
I hate that I’m so tuned into the worst of Gamers that I know someone is going to go all “cOlorEd hAir dEv—that’s why these games sucked! Something something western games!

I don’t know about “tarnished,” but there’s no harm in reviewing an actor’s worst performances. Hopefully they do that themselves. I don’t see why folks are so butt-hurt about it. Calling any one actor the “best” of the last [how many] years or “of all time” is just silly. It is all relative.

What? They guys banning books and screaming about degeneracy in all its forms would NEVER come after a specific part of culture like video games!

Arguably part of the reason we’re here is because the asshole ex-boyfriend of someone who developed a free game about depression made up a bunch of misogynist bullshit about her and a bunch of gamers either fell for it or used it as a way to vent their misogynist bullshit.

Because the rise of a conservative fascist is relevant to all Americans. And you’re kidding yourself if you think he wouldn’t start policing video games.

What the actual fuck

Is this the only place you get your news? The Netflix thing has been all over the internet. Seems like a better bet for them to just have a different angle after something this simple and forewarned has already been covered to death.

Pro-tip: No one likes when a stranger trash talks you. Hell most people don’t really like it when friends do it. I know in some circles of friends its cool but in a public tournament you need to stow that shit and just play nice.

Does “you fucking suck” really even qualify as trash talk? Trash talking is supposed to be insulting, often even cruel, but usually there’s an element of playfulness and creativity to it. Bluntly telling someone they fucking suck, particular after you’ve already won the match, is just...being a dick.

Every damn hurricane season since like 2014 that same ‘shopped picture of a shark swimming at the bottom of a staircase...

Vein and all

Remember the time this guy literally cured some blind people

What if you just stopped being a bitch? It would be so easy and both you AND everyone else would benefit. Give it a whirl, buddy. I believe in you.

A regular post with regular information about an upcoming game with a regular amount of comments. But based on the Twitter comments, you’d think they released the whole game’s script and footage of the cut scenes. What is happening on Twitter these days? Just wtf?

Edit: Oh, JK, it’s happening here, too.

“Kotaku is

Access journalism is bad, I appreciate this article. Nintendo getting upset over people recognizing that emulators exist is embarrassing and so are the angry people in the comments.

Saying there was a leak and giving the details of this leak are two different things.
And you know it.

I can’t believe a news site would report on the biggest leak of the biggest game of the year that is currently being talked about by the broader gaming community as though it was newsworthy or something!

Kotaku is so right for this though. Nintendo is a corporation like any other, white knighting for them isn’t going to win anyone any good graces with them.

There is a leak, a leak is news worthy. So it is always worth reporting.

While it appears to be an accidental slipup by Musk, it’s also entirely possible he dropped the info on purpose to get people to stop talking about the Twitter Blue catastrophe.