
This does make me think that it would be nice to have another companion like Harkness again. Someone from another time or place, maybe an alien or whatever, along with the requisite human from modern day that’s around. Add a little variety to the mix.

Despite all this stuff they’re trying to sell her on in the trailer she comes across as basically yet another working-class London stereotype.

Isn’t Sara the younger sister?

I was gonna write “inb4 all the ignorant and racist bullshit” but there’s already a “fuck off” comment, so I guess I’m too late.

Define fully immersive? +180° FOV? 16k (retina quality vr)? Hand tracking? Force feed back gloves/suits? Tap into your nervous system?

The makers of Axanar are paying themselves salaries from their crowdfunded movie and wanted to use the money to set up a future, for-profit studio for the creators, and they were doing it on the back of fans of an established, copyrighted franchise which CBS, who own the TV rights (and Paramount, who own the movie

“Pulls a Whedon” is a terrible thing to call “Dead Lesbian Syndrome”.

But this isn’t whitewashing as he was white in the source material as well. The argument that usually pops up is that Danny is an example of the Mighty Whitey trend, and we don’t know if the show will follow through on that trope or otherwise confront that topic.

His character was, and is, an appropriation of Asian culture

I mean, it would be nice to have more Asian actors on the screen, but can Hollywood please give them roles that doesn’t have anything to do with martial arts or exotic mysticism?