
Oh, I HATE the breakdancers. True story - a guy (25-30 years old) and a small child (maybe 5-7) came on the 4 train once and proceeded to do a breakdancing act. Everyone was kind of nervous, but it was going ok...until he threw the child up slightly too hard, and the child's head whomped directly into the ceiling of

God, I thought the bus was bad in my city. Mostly its just filled with insanely cheerful people who really, really, really want to talk to you.

Do you know what's maybe the most bummer-est bummer of all? My wonderful smart beautiful older daughter just turned 12, and she's old enough to take public transit by herself if she wants to, but I had to tell her, adult men are going to masturbate right next to you and seriously feel you up. And say gross stuff to

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Not particularly helpful, but good for a giggle : )

Yours is a sensible approach that has worked for me in the past.

That was by far the worst part of it. And yeah, I hate the armchair people who go on about how people should act after the fact. People are complicated and there's no way to know how you're going to act in a given situation. Telling someone they did the wrong thing or were too passive or whatever is worse than

That's the thing - I think for guys that kind of detail and its implications are totally unnoticed. Even with my (extremely limited) experience generally I'm simply not paying attention to things like that or thinking about what it might mean. Men and women just live in totally different worlds when it comes to this

But what if I move like Jagger? Will it track that?

"...and about 25% of non-white Americans have zero friends outside their own race. "

*Abortion Rights Barbie. There. Fixed it for you.


Shit into a bag and then throw it into the main house via a window. Aim for the bedroom.

when I read that, my first thought was "Wait, are women's rights to buy gasoline being threatened? No? Well then perhaps you should shut your fucking pie hole."

What a horrible toad.

You CHOSE to have yogurt and granola instead the waffle.

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I'm so old I remember when she was in 3LW so, yeah.