
A friend of mine dated a guy for a couple of years. The first Christmas they were together, he got her a Fleur de lis necklace. She loved it. The second Christmas, he got her the same thing. She thought maybe he forgot, but then he said, “I hope you like it. It’s the same one I got you before.” He proposed despite

Keep an eye on Steve Coogan then. She’s got a rage boner for that guy. 

Oh, that feud with the Strokes? Caused because he was actively encouraging one of their bandmates to relapse into addiction. Ryan Adams is a scumbag.

I’ve never heard any of his music, I don’t think. Is there a big song of his that I would recognize? Because the entire time he’s been famous, I’ve just thought of him as “Not the guy from the Robin Hood soundtrack.”

I know people who worked with Adams at the beginning of his career.  They said he was awful and I know people who then accused those people of being “jealous”.

Let’s leave Cabbage Patch kids out of this. We’ll use Chucky instead, he is already morally questionable. Plus he has the right hair.

So tired of this dude’s boneless Cabbage Patch face.

Jack White, but yeah I hope so. 

“Christ ugh igh ugh Mandy Moore ick. The thought of her sticking her tongue down that filthy hatch. I might as well go watch Hostel. Smelly ass, ick. I LOATHE that guy.”

“He makes old-people music for young people” is just about the perfect encapsulation of what I assume he does (without, of course, actually looking into who he is or what music he makes because I don’t care that much). Thanks!

He is a forty-four year old man with bangs in his eyes. Of course he is a tool. That’s tool-hair. Ask around.

I don’t even recognize his face. I know I’ve heard his name over the past decade or so, and my brain always reminds me, “Not Bryan Adams, some other guy,” but that’s as far as it goes.

From the descriptions, he makes old-people music for young people? Since I am almost exactly his age, I guess I’m not in the demo.

Know who else has 5 Grammy nominations? Kid Rock. The Grammys mean less than nothing. Almost no one watches, even fewer care.

People are arguing that the guy who’s most famous for covering Taylor Swift songs is a genius?

Fuck this guy. His insipid vanilla music should should be adequate to discredit this notion of “great art from tortured men”

This is not why people become Trump supporters.

Theres nothing to talk about. Blackface is racist. Making money off of blackface is racist. No one wants ur thinkpiece about growing up in alabama as an edgy atheist. That has nothing to do with anything. You are not an oppressed group reddit ass bitch. 

Wow thank u for taking time of ur white day to discuss how racist shit should or shouldn't affect us. Garbage ass

No, intent is NOT what matters. IMPACT is what matters.

Congratulations. You proved both mine and Themd12's point.
You’re here to talk out your ass and be ignorant.
I’m here to talk and listen.
Anybody can just declare things. Its extremely arrogant to say so with zero actual evidence, especially when you’re obviously doing otherwise. This is gaslighting, duder13. Stop being