Vandel Buster

I think this does help, but to an extent I know that it’s going to be just like any other M rated game where the parent will buy them the game either way. At least the parent will be knowledgeable about gambling/loot-boxes before hand, but parents will most likely give the approval.

Journalism isn’t wikipedia. Articles don’t need to list all sources as citations at the end of the article. Sources only need to be identified when appropriate, usually when quoted or referenced, and this article does that with several links.

You mean like the link in the article that takes you directly to the original thread?

If you can quote word-for-word what Ethan said,, you have a case.

Because once upon a time there was actually content on this site that wasn’t just regurgitated Reddit.

If you don’t believe me you clearly don’t spend enough time here or there.

Ah, so you are here to bitch then, when Reddit isn’t the only source for gaming info and Kotaku does plenty of content every single week that isn’t reported on Reddit or other gaming sites. Let me know how that works for you.

90% huh, are you sure it’s not 40% or 80%?

I’d say they both look familiar to me. >_>

No no you don’t understand, if something originates on reddit you are not allowed to talk about it anywhere else or it doesn’t count and you lose 100 internet points for not being first.

not everyone goes trawling through reddit on an hourly basis, y’know

You’re complaining that an article has a source?

I’m not a fan of people who think they’re always right and whatever they think is fact, then try and belittle others when they disagree.

Nobody like your reply so you starred yourself eh?

I know it’s hard thinking you’re the center of the universe but just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean everyone else hates it too. Sorry to rip that bandaid off.

Journalism doesn’t really work like that. My job is to remain in contact with games so that people can be informed as to what’s happening in them. I try to call out trash practices when I see them. I’ve done that for Battlefront II, be that my review or a longer piece about how much I think loot boxes are bullshit.

Also, because I missed this earlier: there actually is something more pathetic: the fact that you made your account specifically to post this “other people are happy, and I’m butthurt because I’m a miserable asshole” comment.

In this case, it’s deserved.

Some people propose in private, and some people make a big public show.

In either case, so long as the person offering the proposal knows their partner well enough to know they’ll be okay with it, it isn’t anyone else’s concern how that goes down.

These two are happy. And their happiness will

Ah yes. Because proposals must only ever take a certain form, in a certain time, using certain words.

These two are happy. You evidently do not approve of the method of their happiness—but, hey, that does nothing to lessen their happiness.

Now, kindly take your acidic cynicism and go curl up in the hole you’ve dug for