Vandel Buster

They are. Games with 100% reproducible crashes are instant fails. Everything else fills up a bucket with points, crashes that happen randomly (and the 1st party QA can’t repro it) are smaller points. Anything that causes the user to be stuck permanently, or something really severe, could also be a fail, or a large

Don’t underestimate the Japanese respect for honourable conduct.

It helps build your super meter, among other things. It’s also just a good way to avoid damage and buy yourself some time.

Why does the answer appear to be no? I’ve called multiple gamestops and Best Buys and nobody has any in stock, 15 minutes after they opened. I’m not ever going to stand in line at 4am for this thing, and that appears to be my only option, or a scalper.

They’re sold out virtually everywhere online, so yeah, most people that work full time likely have to go through scalpers.

That was always going to happen. The question is whether people will actually need to buy from scalpers, and right now the answer appears to be no.

Of course it’s sarcasm. No one likes being forced out of the game to for lore that should be accessible in game. Why would you support intentionally making your game harder to enjoy?

If you have to pause something and just stop the momentum of things to look something up, it’s bad entertainment and just plain bad writing.

Heck, it would have sounded like the bear was rooting for the Detroit Tigers over the San Francisco Giants. That would have been a head-scratcher.

This feels like it should be a long article, then it just ends abruptly. I wanna know more about how those working conditions were in the 90s and how and why they changed.

Oh, shit. You’re the guy! That guy from every comment section. Can I have your autograph?

really dude ? they made 3 fucking millions dollars with something they didn’t have the right to. they should be in prison and pay all that money back to the authors.