
They could have been drinking milk, but they'd STILL have that tea kettle whistling. Remember Fatal Attraction? I think every room had a tea kettle in it!

It's also written by a former SNL writer. I'm hoping for a plot twist at the end.

Whistling tea kettle...always the sign of evil approaching in the very near future.

Only if it’s NOT true!!!!! Apparently Joanna is now claiming her lady parts smell like roses. It must be nice to be her. :-)

Well, we weren’t really that close!

I ghosted a friend of almost 30 years, but she knew why. I then butt dialed her by accident, and she begged me to meet with her again. Told me how much she missed me, what a great friend I am (true!), and I should really reconsider. So I agreed to meet her, even though I had another friend coming in to town. I told

I’m guessing the “stinky pussy” insult might be based on the Brandi Glanville / Joanna Krupa feud on RHOBH, where Brandi has repeatedly said Brandi’s lady parts smell. There’s a lawsuit and everything regarding said smelly lady parts!!! It might have been a joke.

Does anyone really know what time it is?

That's the smart thing to do - just ignore him and hope he finds another victim. Not that I wish that on any woman, but that's how you FINALLY get rid of those assholes.

Uggh...I'm the kind of person that if someone tells me once "I'm not interested in you" they will NEVER hear from me again. How hard is it to figure out that someone isn't interested in you, especially when they TELL you "stop calling me!"? I hope he lets go at some point.

Consider it done!

My mother was in HR at the time, and she said "too bad you didn't have that on tape." He didn't even pretend there was a real reason, just that men "need more money to support their families."


I like where your head's at on this one. Kill them all, and let God sort them out.

I had a boss tell me that he was paying a male coworker more because "he has a family." What a load of horseshit.

I had some crazy ass neighbor who got infuriated that I wouldn't have coffee with him. I'm a lesbian, and I had no fucking interest in having coffee with him. I POLITELY declined numerous times, and he finally ended up calling me on the phone for YEARS afterwards. I'm surprised he still isn't stalking me. Another

As luck would have it, I'm starting a rural hose co-op. You're welcome to join! BYOH (bring your own hose).

Why, whatever do you mean? //Fans self

I can assure you that Lindsey is capable of being the POTUS and the First Lady, and he can fulfill those roles at the same time.

You're hired! Now get me 600 words on the pink trench coats.