
I could see Linds leaving psychiatry after all this for something less stressful, like trauma medicine for example.

Oh Hell Yes!

It was, but I thank you for your input.

If you click the Vice link there’s a photo of it. Honestly looks like a mortar round and not a grenade.

If it vibrates, you charge it using the USB cable. Ask my wife! 

Everything is a butt plug if you're brave enough 

“the bag the grenade was in also contained lubricant, two unopened condoms, and a USB cable.”

Were these US style “pineapples" or German style “potato mashers”?

Based on the description, I think they’re using Avengers: Endgame time-travel rules, where each change creates a branching timeline. So, bringing a bunch of future technology to the past would help the past Earth, but do nothing for the future Earth.

“You never say thankyou!”

Can we get a sequel series to “The Roman Holidays” set during the Visigoth invasion? 

I misread this as being a live action show and now I’m disappointed that it’s not.  So much for my Elizabeth-Banks-with-a-bone-in-her-hair fetish. 

In this episode, Fred and Barney protest the removal of the statue honoring Confederrock Generals in the Bedrock town square.

Something something something-rock.

I don’t know. Look at the difference in the actual filmmaking craft between Citizen Kane and Black Panther. Panther, for all its gorgeous costumes and sets, is absolutely bursting with inartful CGI “spectacle”. I’d also like to hear someone discuss why they like Black Panther more, but I’d personally be ready to push

if only barsanti would take literally anything as a challenge, he might rise to an occasion for once

Hot Take: Citizen Kane is a good movie that is not for everyone and Black Panther is just slightly okay movie that appeals to more people. That there is no value in having the public at large judge them, and should be left to professionals; reviewers, film historians, those in the industry to determine their larger

You know Barsanti will take that as a challenge, right?

Neither movie is as good as Highlander, that’s for sure.  

Or maybe we as a society can stop using Rotten Tomatoes in anyway to understand a movies quality