
KnIIves Out

If Sam Barsanti is ever unconscious and needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, be sure to ask for his permission first.

Then Sebastian Stan can play John Bobbitt and his '90s trilogy will be complete.

Now playing

I’ve just realized that the scene I know him best from - having only watched 2 films that he was in - is basically an extended commercial for Pretentious Rich People Stuff:

I wonder, is Corinthian leather made by Corinthians... or from them?

And Neil Gaiman villains.

I should’ve asked before running my mouth.

Oh yeah? Well I can tell port from starboard, and sometimes I remember enough to distinguish the bow, beam and quarter from each other.

The closest I can come to a guess it’s that the German form ends with bauer, cause you’d really have to mess it up to get the French pronunciation about right. And the extra consonant would be... an h? Beckenbahouair, perhaps? Probably not, and I’ve spent too much time thinking about it.

I thought about Fleming for almost a full minute before deciding it was too obscure as far as last names go.

Kinja Komedy Klassic

(Wichitas too, but my 15 minutes are up.)

I imagine the Alabamas, Biloxis, Bolognese, Burmese, Canarians, Cherokees, Cheyennes, Cornish, Dakotas, Dalmatians, Frankfurters, Frisians, Hamburgers, Holsteiners, Iowas, Manx, Massachusetts, Neapolitans, Normans, Omahas, Peorias, Picards, Pomeranians, Rottweilers, Samoyeds, Sardinians, and Winnebagos have some idea

Let’s see if this works:

One could certainly be more pedantic than that.

Yeah, he’s more of a loose canon.

OMG, it’s that dude from Swordfish!

The büıldînğ hâş tö be ât leâşt... 3 tımeş bîğğer thân thış!

If you’re going out of your way to use the indigenous spelling of the name, you need to use an ʻokina (ʻ), not a curly apostrophe (), between the last 2 vowels. It marks a glottal stop and serves as a separate letter of the alphabet.

Were BP’s special effects innovative at the time of its release? There’s a difference between using CGI because that’s what’s expected and using it to make an impression on the audience. The CGI in T2 is primitive by today’s standards, but it dazzled folks back in ‘91.