Why would you ever bother to rank films?
Why would you ever bother to rank films?
What you’re going to watch is an animated character.
All recognizable human beings had dark skin for most of the Stone Age. Plenty of migrations took place in prehistoric times, that’s how humankind started out in Africa and reached every continent except Antarctica. No scientists call them that - the idea that these people used caves as dwellings is a pop-culture myth.
I made the same mistake and was momentarily bewildered that Elizabeth Banks was playing young adult Pebbles rather than Wilma.
There’s a scene in The Sum of All Fears where the President of the United States is discussing with his cabinet how to respond to a Russian chemical weapons attack on Grozny, and they agree to fly in peacekeepers from Turkey to Chechnya. Now, the very premise of the scene is nonsensical, since the Russians had retaken…
I only ever read The Hunt for Red October, but it’s there as well. Not a multi-page rant, but enough to make my eyes roll.
“My father tried his best to give me advice. The problem was, he was only a couple years older than me.”
It took a GIF from Doctorwhotb for me to get this one.
Welp, those 2 exhaust the supply of Desmond Dekker songs in my music folder. (I also have “You Can Get It If You Really Want,” but it’s the Jimmy Cliff version.) Now what am I gonna name-drop?
I thought BreadnMaters didn’t like the word “seminal” because it’s a cognate of “semen” - which would at least be an actual argument - so I wanted to see if they also didn’t like “history” because it sounds like it’s a cognate of “his” (though it’s not). I honestly don’t think it’s a troll, just an idiot that I made…
I can’t tell if you misread “takedown” as “showdown” or are doing some kind of desperate holier-than-thou bit. Anyway, feel free to fuck off anytime my bullying becomes too much for you. I’m not exactly cornering you in the schoolyard and forcing you to perform the role of wannabe intellectual gadfly. That’s not a…
And I asked you first. Since you didn’t answer my question, I don’t have to answer yours. We’re not living in whatever scripted takedown you rehearsed in your head.
How can the man enjoy himself in a world where major corporations don’t discriminate against people with tattoos in their hiring practices?
Why is he even “traveling across the country” in the first place? He lives in Las Vegas, there’s another of these things in a neighboring state. Now that I think about it, Las Vegas? Themed casinos.
How about you answer a question with an answer for a change?
These would be the same scholars who have an issue with the word "history?"
I would half-seriously suggest that Dante’s Inferno and Milton’s Paradise Lost should be called very late Christian apocrypha.
Follow the Gourd!
Ritchie Dekker. He’s the guy I bought John Voight’s car from.