
Ha, in our games this becomes more about human drama. Although you can’t know what victory point cards they have in their hand, everyone’s publicly shouting out how many settlement points they have and speculating at any cards in hand and demanding trade blockades “guys nooo don’t trade with hiiimmm” or giving one

Ha, in our games this becomes more about human drama. Although you can’t know what victory point cards they have in

FWIW - looks like this is a re-post from 2013.

Where is this from? My sister lived in Taiwan for two years and said that this seemed to be the perspective of the white dudes she met there. She would encounter them with their new Taiwanese girlfriend(s) and they would invariably hate that she was there too, as though she were fracturing their paradise with some

Type 1 high five! What was your bloodsugar at diagnosis? I was a super dehydrated syrup-blooded 10 year old who protested staying in the hospital. “Emergency? But like... I’m walking. Not bleeding anywhere...” Was 48.0 mmol/l (860 mg/dl?) They had to explain that if I went home I’d just be coming back later in a coma

When I was 6, a classmate told me that the underside of a slug is highly poisonous and that the poison can be fatally absorbed through the skin on contact. I knew about poison dart frogs, so this seemed reasonable. I pity the poor lunch lady the day I tripped and smeared my palm right on a big fat slug when I fell. I

There was a father shopping for Thanksgiving (Canada) items in the grocery store this weekend who was... aboard one of these. It did feel vaguely sci fi to see him pivoting around on his glowing board to add some milk to the shopping basket his son was holding.

Yeah, my brother is ten years older than me so when I was 7 and he was 17, I used to watch him play the games I was too afraid to have a go at. Doom and Duke Nukem. Sometimes even space exploration games like Star Control that weren’t necessarily scary but were kind of zen to watch someone else play. Like watching

But weirdly I just like watching other people play video games. Like, I used to spend hours sitting in the den watching my older brother play games when I was a kid. If I was too chicken to play a particular level of doom or duke nukem, I’d just sit quietly and observe and refill our shared bowl of chips. So maybe

I used to lease an ancient gelding who was sweet and dopey with people but the boss of his particular turnout group. It made catching him super handy when I had to get through other horses to leave the field. I’d just lead him toward the gate and with the slightest pinning of his ears it was like the parting of the

Indeed. I can't imagine those in the market for 'expensive' (inferring from 'the money of breeding purebreds') purebred horses are going to buy wild mustangs instead because there happen to be more of them around. They might go to Europe to get a fancy warmblood rather than buy that local purebred, but they're

Obi-Wan's foolish "Guess what? The ship is about to self destruct & I thought I'd give you a ten-second warning" message to Grievous drove me nuts. I mean, it's a well worn trope for hokey villains to gloat and foil their own plot by revealing it to the hero, but in the reversal here I'd expect better of Obi-Wan.

OK, the horses dying is sad but as someone who loves and rides horses, I do hear your point. I mean.. they have a ring of muscle at the top of their throat that prevents them from vomiting. Never mind eating poison and being unable to do anything to purge it, just eating 'too much' can be enough when it's grain. Of

Did you read A Deepness in the Sky too (also from Vinge's Zones of Thought)? I liked that one as well. Do you like Neal Stephenson? I quite enjoyed Anathem (and Cryptonomicon, though that's not set in the future or space)

Yeah. Early-mid 2000's for me and it was always implied or directly stated that eventually they would get bored if you just ignored it. Nope. They'd just rise to the challenge of a non response. I was too afraid to fight back lest it escalate, and "ignoring it" alone wasn't enough. That lead to actively hiding and

They let the student body vote on whether to adopt uniforms when I was in middle school (I think I was 12 at the time) and the results were something like 85% in favour. Partly, no doubt, because of the way they were exoticized for us in films like Cruel Intentions - they represented being elite and rich and sexy and

That is an amazing mental image.

Aren't kids just?

xkcd did a good comic on 'vaguebooking'

I recall delighting in that tactic upon discovering it as an 8 year old (but pre-internets so in person rather than text) "Some things are just not OK." -insert dramatic silence-

Augh, that was my first thought. I don't know if it was awful but it was pretty forgettable. The pacing was a bit inconsistent and the characters were pretty flat. Hunger Games is no grand work of art, but it's head and shoulders above Divergent.