Refer Madness

This just popped up Netflix. Very pleasant, low key and natural (aside from being previously unaware she was named after a character in a novel written by her aunt), good performances all around, and the lack of sensationalism or high drama was refreshing and appropriate to the filmmaker’s goals. It’s worth a watch.

the source material’s title might qualify as a spoiler, actually

Mine is a four letter word, that’s a pretty low bar.

You need to change your username. You aren’t remotely clever enough to pass as a forgery of the real thing.

Hey, someone forgot to put this massive tool back in the toolbox.

No worries, I studied early 18th century English authors in the long ago, Swift being central, of course, and though I hadn’t read Godwin, he did ring a bell and it seemed like a couple too many greats for the time frame, and this going to blow your mind, I checked, wait for it, did you guess, yup, ...Wikipedia. Full

Only one “great” needed for Uncle Francis, Swift was born 34 years after his death in 1633.

one of Pixar’s less challenging high-concept creations—a somewhat formulaic, busily animated adventure with a relentlessly tearjerking finale

I turned this video off after ten minutes about 20 years ago because it was so obviously, terribly stupid. Out of boredom and indecision, I watched it on netflix just now. Can’t slag too hard on a glorified student film calling card by a first timer, but the idiotic screenplay and dialogue combined with the laughable

Second Interviewer: Stig, I’ve been told that Dinsdale Pyranna nailed your head to the floor.

How long before they eat the dog?

The Onion and AV Club have been a part of my life since their inception basically, a week never went by for 25 years that i didn't grab a copy first thing Thursday morning, and I was sad when they discontinued the print edition. I didn't visit the AVC website until 2012 when I bought a laptop and also started a

A final tip of the hat to Tatiana Masalany's amazing, groundbreaking, and consistent performance of five core characters and multiple cameos across five seasons, just out of this world great, i hope she finds a challenging and rewarding career going forward. While this show's plot holes and bizarre, overly convoluted

Hopefully they'll install beer concessions to either side of the doubtless gaudy monument to help the tourists work up the proper volume for grave micturation.

Don't they have milk of poppy or some such? I mean, here, take a shot or two of whiskey and bite on this chunk of leather, seems a tad inadequate if you plan to remove a few square feet of diseased skin with a knife tip and some tweezers.

She's the one that flashed Bronn, and she is spectacular.

Although north of wall, distance undergoes some spooky, strange Einstein Zenoian paradox, where an army of the undead, one that requires neither fodder nor sleep just can't reach the wall no matter how long they march. The closer they come, the further it recedes.

Well, the usually perspicacious IV screwed the pooch a bit on this one. Minor quibbles with the review aside: Weaver's hammy, straitjacketed doctor is a blast (and besides her personal revenge on Frank, she congratulates herself that Frank proves that gender identity is in fact intrinsic to the mind, not the body, so

That's almost like a rite of passage for children of the 70's since it was public domain and PBS aired it all the time. I watched it alone when I was about 9 or 10 in the basement on a 12 inch B/W TV. It was an old unfinished basement that had one little area with a rug as kind of a playroom, the rest was stone walls,

Although the obscene hypocrisy of politicians from both the left and right decrying the opioid epidemic while pandering for votes is particularly galling. When it was merely decades of heroin addiction and broken lives for black and brown folks in the cities, well, they were just weak minded, immoral, low-life