
I think Xiaomi Roidmi 2 is the better version of it... Aside of the car battery thingy it has a mic build in to have a (nearly) hands-free phone and the smartphones audio is transferred into a radio signal using that Bluetooth-connection...

I think Xiaomi Roidmi 2 is the better version of it... Aside of the car battery thingy it has a mic build in to have

my dentist always says that you can brush without toothpaste just with water, if your technique is good - with nearly the same result...

It seems that Dropbox automator development has been suspended... Does anyone know a good alternative? Especially for bulk converting files that one was brilliant

I’m already telling myself that it’s extremely important to wake up before my alarm to get my fixed morning routine done a bit slower... And I wake up about half an hour before my alarm... and the alarm starts at 4:45 am... while getting to bed at 9-10 pm

Windows Servers normally doesn’t run Windows 8 or Windows (They can but they aren’t meant to do so). Instead watch out for “Windows Server 2012 R2” to get rid of your server problems... Also Linux mint isn’t really following a server style... watch out for debian or arch linux to get rid of possible future problems