
My mother’s email title was “Looks like we were right!”. (We = Jewish people.)

This is what happens when you don’t copy and paste that disclaimer on Facebook.

If it was this one, I hope he takes a moment to savor the irony.

pro-tip: one someone tells you to take one piece of an edible, eat one fucking piece. THEY ARE NOT TRYING TO TRICK YOU

Is this shit still on? I stopped watching shortly after the episode that clip came from. More importantly, anyone heard about Vivi Anne?

also, HE IS CLEARLY MARRIED and she STILL doesn’t get that at the end, which is mind-blowing. like, thats not an engagement party, sweetie.

Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh.

Saugen sie diese, Duggars!

How do you say “Suck it, Duggars!” in German?

Kate, I usually nod along in agreement to your articles. Not this time. This show is freaking awesome and I love it!!! To each his own, I guess.

This is some brave shit.

Before she got behind the wheel.

This one, right? The narrative really starts to slip. I don't believe a word of this.

Just for the sake of comparison:

"How's Meg?

There is actually a hole in the back of the fanny pack he slips his penis through, so if you unzip it all you see is dick.

Agreed! Britt's (I think that's her name?) uncomfortably long hug and tears out of the gate was the worst for me.

The moment you realize your idea to bring a fake heart in a cooler didn't go over as you had planned.

So much second hand embarrassment right now.