
I think the Thunderbird looked better, but I know the Mercury can take a hit. I believe they were both 5mph bumpers.

It seems like Ford has some good compromises in the 1990s. The Crown Vic and the Thunderbird come mind. Both had modern looking plastic covered bumpers and both were rated at 5mph. I got into fender benders with both and never had anything more than a scratch.

That sucks, in your circumstance you did the right thing. Sometimes you just can't win.

I had sheriff's deputy try that with me. He already had someone else pulled over and wanted me to stop behind him. I waved and kept driving. He didn't follow. I was going maybe 10 over the speed limit.

21st century minions wear suits, sunglasses, and talk into microphones in their sleeves ;)

Drones aren't people.

They look even worse when a couple LEDs start failing. I see 5 year old Cadillacs all over the place with a few LEDs in their tail lights out. It looks awful and costs a hell of a lot more than light bulb to replace.

/begin rant

Given Apple's supply of ARM processor designs built in its own fab facilities, Intel and Google have aligned interests. Intel is probably the only foundry than can supply Android OEMS with silicon near the price that Apples fabricates it for themselves.

I agree, when I saw photo of the actress I wasn't sure they case the right person. Seeing her in costume and makeup and she looks perfect. I'm so glad they didn't try to turn her into a beauty!

I'm not even an Apple Fan, but I was filled with a sense of pride watching technology march forward with each frame. Humanity's greatest gift is the ability to innovate and improve.

I'm not an Apple fan, but I still felt a sense of pride and amazement watching technology march forward with each frame.

That's the most impressive thing about, it maintains it strength with a couple bills or a dozen. I thought that video looked too good to be true, but it's amazingly springy material. If I pull all the bills out of mine quickly there is an audible click from the two sides slapping back together.

Now playing

I gave up the stainless steel clips after they kept bending on me. I switched to a carbon fiber clip and love it. It's almost weightless, holds more, springs back to shape every time, and scratches don't really show.

Wow, I totally forgot about that game. I spend way too many hours of my life playing that simple game. I loved the mods that were available, the open game play, and that the designers had a sense of humor!!!

I saw a perfect example of this about 6 months ago. I was playing with my 3 year old nephew and we found a lizard. He chased it, played with it, when I picked it up, he held out his hand. His mother comes and screams when she sees the lizard. Immediately, he started screaming and wouldn't have get near the lizard. I

I love my 19, but if I were you I would find a range that will let you rent several guns. Everyone's different and the glock trigger takes some getting used to. My first gun was an HK USP 45C. I never shot one before I bought it, and I could never shoot the gun well. I ended up selling to a friend who could hit the

Amen, To many consumers suffer from brand myopia. Just because Honda used to be great doesn't mean they still are. Just because cops and rappers use Glocks doesn't mean you should.

It would have to be one hell of a good performance ;)

I agree but its the acting equivalent of canvas painted blue. Yes its still art, its just not nearly as difficult as painting The Mona Lisa.