
I watched and enjoyed Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy, but Garly Oldman barely said 100 words. How can you be nominated for best actor by staring pensively into a camera for 2 hours?

Exactly, contempt is much worse than it looks like on TV.

In some states you can be held for contempt indefinitely. In most of those states the Judge just has to renew the order every 6 months or 1 year. Not to mention that they can also charge you with obstruction of justice which is a felony itself.

The only other alternatives were "head clamps" which would be considered torture devices today. So it wasn't all that bad. It's kind of strange that they felt the need to hide the mother rather than have her face exposed, but it was probably so that she could move around a little and even talk to the kids. If she did

Its more of a legal grey area, most experts agree that closing to peaceful traffic would be a violation of international law. In other words, any non-military ship should able allowed to peacefully navigate the strait. Its shared between the UAE and Iran.

Beats headphone are basically the audio equivalent of fart can exhausts. They are designed for people who can't tell the difference between loud and good. They don't enhance the music just like fart cans don't make a car faster.

I've been using your wallpapers since at least 2001. Thanks for your hard work, congrats on the win!!!

I remember when every 128mb thumbdrive came with a layard. Somewhere along the way they stopped supplying them, now I can't find a good. It drives me nuts!

I haven't see a an AV program that can stop or remove the latest generation of fake av malware. I remove them all the time from computers running everything from Symantec Endpoint Protect to Microsoft Security Essentials.

If my past experience with Thermaltake products is a guide:

So if you having WiFi issues on the far side of you house, how is this going to help unless you can plug in to either Ethernet or powerline?

Most photos don't appear in print the way they do to human eyes. That's part of the magic of photography. There is a certain amount of wonder in being able to see something familiar in a different way. That's why HDR photography has become so popular.

I agree completely. I loved the show when it was on, then completely forgot about it until this story. As soon as I saw the graphic for the story it all came flooding back. I had all the grittiness and hardship that I enjoyed during the first couple seasons of BSG.

It all depends on the area the impact is spread around. I dropped a piece of metal on my droid screen, the corner hit the gorilla glass display and shattered a small area by the speaker cutout. The piece of metal was less than a pound and dropped from about 2 feet.

So is there a way to set permissions for sharing recorded shows? I don't think most people are going want their 8 year olds having access to Spartacus ;)

When will it be released?

You know if I was a mob boss, I would definitely buy a funeral home. They could dispose of bodies and launder money all in the same operation.

The percentage of android users who care about having ICS 0.6%.

I have the nex-5. The sensor and image stabilization are simply amazing for low light photography. It's not the best when it comes to manipulating settings, but once your set it takes amazing photos. I almost never use the flash, and get great lifelike photos when everyone else is getting washed out and harsh indoor

I've used a few different services over the years. The only ones worth paying for are the tri-bureau reporting services. I've seen them cost between $99 and $200 a year. The one I'm using now is run by Bank of America. My credit score has over 60 points of variance between the 3 bureaus. With the BofA product I can