
As a former Armorer and service member I thin my whole unit hated the Berretta. The slides cracked and the aim was for shit. Aim at center mass and it would be a head shot. Aim at the feet and there you go center mass.

I have to agree and disagree with you. As for the performance end of the discussion yes the CTS-V is a better performer than my E46 M3. As for the commercials, that had nothing to do with my purchase. For my personal taste the E46 is stunning compared to the CTS-V that looks like someone with a ruler and only that

We could start a David Tracy Jalop Detroit group and we could help wrench on your cars to get them all going. Would love to help out on the Moab build and see that beat those high priced rigs out there. I know there are more than a few members willing to help you out.

I would be totally down to wrench for a weekend to get all these projects moving in the right direction. I would say with a few of us we should be able to pretty much knock out a vehicle per weekend if all parts are pretty much on hand. I can offer a set of hands and the tools I have anytime.

I work my but off for 65K a year in telecom and don’t want a Buick. I saved my pennies and bought a E46 M3 and my son and I love it. If Buick would make something equivalent then I would consider it but the lack of engineering quality by Buick. Also the sterotype that goes with a Buick has deterred me.

I am sure that if Jalopnik was known to be attending a class for the day or a full course the experience would be over the top and not what the norm is. The best way to experience the class is to attend undertake cover as a no name student and act as if you didn’t know how to put air in tires. Then after sending

The worst color is (I have no soul gray) it says I give up please pic the most boring of all colors for me because I don’t want to live.