
Goddamnit! #COYB

“$2.1B in lost wages!”

He’s expecting Adam Graves to make a run at the Conn Smith trophy.

Lower number = higher seed. When 2 teams ranked in the top 10 meet, they don’t call it “a battle of 2 low ranked teams”

The Emeritus title goes to any post-game show on CSN after they get the doors blown off at home on SNF or MNF. The memory of watching Matich and Mitchell try to compose thenselves  after Carolina took them behind the woodshed late in the season will keep me warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

As someone who hates the Foreskins more than is probably socially acceptable, there have been a lot of good times during Snyder’s tenure. These last few weeks are right at the top of the list.

And less e-sports nonsense

What PSG just did is the most French thing since 1940

Baseball players play pretty much everyday so I get them getting the odd day off. Hockey players play 3 games in 4 days all the time and if they’re healthy they play. No “DNP-sleepy” in the NHL.

Meanwhile over in the NBA, guys sit out for “rest” every 2 or 3 weeks

It’s not just that the core guys are getting older, but this team has a bunch of guys that will be UFA’s and RFA’s. This is it, and every Caps fan like me knows it.

Bull-fucking-shit you don’t. Maybe the better question is why aren’t you, the 20% of Americans who voted for this con-man upset about his golf? He explicitly said he would not golf while president unless it benefited the country. Show me how him golfing with McIlroy improved your lot. He lies to your fucking face,

I have this and about 16 others

I was pissed when the O’s gave him a real gift. I was hoping they would give him a big cooler full of harbor water and a note saying they needed the cooler back.

Also, the officials got there fat asses into position to see that the Colts clearly recovered the onside kick

There was a fumble and a clear recovery, but they were probably unrelated. First down, New England.

This is pretty unnecessary when the Steelers already aren’t bothering to cover receivers

The coverage is starkly different from Hernandez’s death, mostly owing to him being a known dick

Mr. Trump, you’re needed back in Washington