Pappy No-Shoes

We made it!


But unlike JW2 this movie had one o the worst sequels of all time!

Saw the Lego Movie and John Wick 2 this weekend both were amazing and it was a great pop cultirre weekend.

Please be good, please be good, please be good, please be good, please be good.

I just saw it. It was incrdible, great fun and jiust absolutely nuts. But I think tjeo original had more heart and isjust a better movie in my opinion. It also shows siligjtly better acting chops from Reeves.

Unless The Batman is made of tiny lego pieces I'mn going to have to pass/

Love the constant accidents and injuries TIm's getting in to.

Get a Job, Internet!

I'm very excited to skip this movie this weeekend for either John Wick: Cha-pter 2 r The Lego Batman Movie. Hell, I'll probably see both instead of this garbage.

This is amazing, wish there were more options for mashup but its' a great start!

Pretty ready for this movie after how good the initial Lego Movie was. I love Batman and I love kids movies so I don't see how this one couldn't satisf y mty tastes.

This was on the must-see list at my local Film Festival last summer. I tried to get tockets but there was an overwhelming demand to see it!! I hope that attests for its quality because I've heard this movie is wonderful for both kids and older adults to see. Personally I think this is a grea idea for a movie and seems

I personally thought that this finaln episode was so good it felt like its own stand alone movie. Sure not all of the peices fell into place perfectly, but it still stood out for its own natural pacing and all of the moving parts seemed to work very well. Additionally, you got to see Pete finally having fun at a con

KFC's unholy fried chicken-pizza hybrid The Chzza pushes the Doonsday Clock a minute coser to all of our dooms

QWithj this and John Wick up to 90% in the same weekend it s gonna be hardto keep me out of the theatres this weekedn.

"If you don't inhabit it, keep it in the cabinet!"

Rest assured the plot is functional but the characters and comedy are quite dysfunctional..

I'm a ratatat up on these kitties…. oh wait that's an actual lyric.

My favorite song of theirs has always been "Jackie, Dressed in Cobras" which I feel gets ignored because arguably their most significant "The Bleeding Heart Show" is right before it.