
Man accepts friend offer from a “hot girl” he doesn’t know. Gets what he deserves for being stupid.

I’d suggest a person isn’t your friend — and you aren’t theirs — if you aren’t comfortable just saying, “Shit man, I’m kinda broke right now so I can’t really offer for you to drink $20 worth of beer when you come over,” to each other.

How do you reach adulthood without figuring out how to talk to a friend about money? This isn’t hitting up an aquaintance for a loan or asking for a raise. This is being able to say “are we splitting this cab?” or “I got this.” It should not be hard.

Awright. I’ll watch Dagmar Midcap. I didn’t believe you at first because I thought that was a made up name and I couldn’t figure the humor angle. I had a sales rep who was born in Turkey call on me one time. The name on the card was all I knew and the name was like Rufflooka Splinkdirk or something so I didn’t even

Neither. I’ll use the Weather app like a normal person and then spend the five minutes I gained from not having to sit through the local news looking at porn. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks for the chuckle. Thankfully I purposefully missed that lame movie. The picture you provided gives all the reason I needed to not watch it. Of course if I am one of them, I have money, so that part wouldn’t be too bad. :-)

Have fun drinking your natty light fuck boy. Maybe afterwards you can jump on your “hog”, grab a sheep and relive your high school memories being back on the farm with uncle bad touch.

*Actual Picture of you and your biker bros*

“Try treating yourself sometime, you might find it actually feels good even if they are unnecessary.”

This is a bunch of horseshit.

My face is going to age gracefully like a well-worn baseball glove. Like Robert Redford. I’m pretty sure he’d drink Bay Rum before putting any of this nonsense on his face.

That’s the best thing about Priuses. I already know who’s driving it. It’s pretty much a guarantee. In a way, it’s sort of nice to have them all in a very familiar and easy to spot vehicle.

Thanks for the insider’s view. I always thought the 50mph/15mph rule was in force. What surprised me is that it no longer seems to be, at least as far as the guidelines are concerned. If the cops are still enforcing the guidelines (even though they aren’t ‘official’ any more) then I guess the situation is still the

Psychic Powers

Completely. It’s amazing how aware of traffic you become after riding.

Cook will be traveling to away games with his son, thereby depriving his village of their idiot while he is on the road.

Did you really hide my post? I can find it in my recent post but it’s no where to be found in this article...... :(

OH GOD... The stupid is spreading. There are at least 18 people out there contaminated with the dumb. 0__0

One would think that, in the car buying process, he maybe had no insight.

However this car won’t.

So what you’re saying is that two wrongs *do* make a right?!

That would mean someone would have to be willing to share and educate another, which as pointed out by a previous poster is NOT allowed!

Also, yet another list on which the Browns finish last.