
@M: Add to your list of driver types ... here in Sacramento the asshat Prius drivers ... SOB’s ... they love to box you in, cut you off, whatever they can to get you to pile it up, it’s like it is in their blood. I believe it is because my HD gets better mileage then their crappy Prius. But I digress.

Every redneck knows how to do this. Hell we put ourselves in those situations on purpose in our early teen years because its fun ... well, until Pa finds out anyway, then its off to the woodshed because you were testing out his new duelly.

“...hackers of electronic vehicle systems could face a sentence of up to life in prison.”

Obviously the gentlemen in the images is not a racist. If he was, he would not be rooting for a team with mixed ethnicities. There is bound to be a/an [insert derogatory ethnic slur here] on the Cardinal roster.

Fair enough, we are all good then. We fact checked one another ... against one another, so therefore, since we agree it is correct, it is then correct based on our sources.

“With people like this adding to the gene pool, it’s not as hard to see why we can’t get our shit together these days.”

@Andy Dickens: She was simply playing Real Life GTA and getting rid of the retarded bus and bus driver with the retarded passengers all in one fell swoop! Good for her!

“ “But this is a hyb[ir]d car. That means it can drive underwater.” ”

Let me see if I got this right...

Imagine young ‘uns, some of our social peers prefer to remain in this particular state. Both males and females. It’s now referred to as edging as I understand it, for me the term is new.

Owners manual are useful tools. Just saying.

Which wears on the clutch assembly. (holding the clutch in)

Hmm ... based on the reaction to my request to be educated ... apparently not only are whites NOT allowed to speak on racism, but they also can not LISTEN/READ about it either ... yea, I see whatever racism is occurring now days getting fixed with this kind of interaction.

Therefore, they are wrong and not allowed an opinion, because you are white.

Wrong. Read more history.

You are mean, some of my best lays have been Native Americans! And PokeErAnus was not one of them! Anyway, I care very much about young beautiful Native American women!


Can’t you listen/read? YOU can only SHUT UP COMPLETELY!


“...white supremacist societal power imbalance...”