Paper Sonic

In addition to the few things that got mentioned in the article, there are a few areas about coming out as trans that didn’t get mentioned in this, that were probably weighing pretty heavily on her while she was trying to decide what to do.

Would happily support any content creator who happens to transition while I enjoy their work (Only one has done this so far, but he writes review articles, not a youtube person/twitch streamer). I imagine the quality of fun stuff they do would only go up when the person is actually happy with how they look and feel.

Good for her, I hope these kinds of things get more visibility. The more they see the light, the less we can stop hating on each other. Games should be enjoyed by everyone

Arc-V is actually really deep and really good. I’ll miss it

Kind of like you and other commentors that have to take every opportunity they get to denigrate feminists? To pretend that all feminists are the same and they all believe in your distorted version of what a feminist is and what they believe? And no matter what anyone says or does you still aren’t happy? Do less

You have to go to the Facebook comments for that.

I had a greyed post earlier (note: everyone disagrees with me here) that I remember the first two episodes of High School OTD to be relatively fan service free: the focus was really on zombies, survival and weapons. I could be wrong here: but as long as the focus was on zombies, i guess I was willing to overlook fan

I had to +1 you for such a even-keeled account of what I view as the norm in regards to feminism. It gets frustrating when I see the idea get strawman’d and subsequently beaten into a pulp when, in every article where a feminist question is posed, there’s a multitude of responses just like yours. So that means that

On a news post about Onechanbara, an ecchi game about bikini-clad zombie hunters, I came upon a simple post raising a good question. The poster, whom we’ll refer to as Steve (because I can’t find the old post to tell you who he was), wrote the following: “Honest question. It seems like every time there’s anything

Author made an update to the post, the controller doesn’t allow for macros, that was a mistake on the author’s part.

It’s not called porn when national geographic does it!

Patch to have Jason finish his Retro Final Fantasy reviews since he stopped after his Sabbatical...

Poor FFXIII. :(

I’d also like to submit:

FFV: -Patch to make Gilgamesh join the party. -Patch to make Gilgamesh the entire party.

Actually, just Patch every Final Fantasy to have Gilgamesh added in. Also:

Dissidia Final Fantasy: -Patch to change all references of “Bartz” to “Butz”

I was very suicidal from around 3rd to 9th grade and also used games as a means to cope. Since I was still in elementary school it was hard to relate to anybody or express to people what I was going through which made me very antisocial. But games like World of Warcraft and Wind Waker really helped me communicate with

I’d say Tom Nook is the animal crossing version of Trump being a money hungry bully...but Nook has 2 successful businesses, 100% more than Trump.

One thing I’d like to see is making all stats benificial in some way to all classes so you could have a strong mage or a very intelligent warrior.

I want to make a How did this get made reference but it would be silly if you never heard of the show. So I won’t. But I liked what you said.

I feel like I should do something with my 15 minutes of fame...

Such a fantastic game. If you’re wondering why people were willing to give Silicon Knights an endless pass despite making nothing of note for most of the aughts*, play this game.

I love my Vita too as I’m a fan of JRPGs and the Vita is now pretty much only them and Visual Novels. However on pure comparisons the 3DS entries in the various franchises are superior. Try comparing The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks to The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds...