
Everyone keeps calling them teenage boys. People at Harvard age like anyone else. At the minimum, they are 18 yo MEN , possibly as old as 23-24, ranking 17-18 yo recruits in an organized manner. I’m pretty sure that’s not the face Harvard wants to put on its athletics programs.

So important that some of these men (not teenage boys), who likely received substantial scholarships and who are likely taking some high level classes, should also realize that there are usually academic, social and behavioral standards that come with playing a D1 sport. These standards are likely in writing and

Yes, both of you were very dignified after the Sox won.

Remember coming out of amusement park and parents hearing on car radio elvis died and they lost their shit, but that’s about it.

Yet you clicked on the article

Everyone feel free to leave them feedback on that site they created.

Mate, before you go chirping off too much like a cheap whore in tweed knickers, let’s be clear on one thing. The playoff system used in the 13 colonies doesn’t exist because it is better, it only exists so the owners can make more money while not paying the players hardly anything for those extra games.