
Pregnancy and giving birth may not fit your narrow definition of "invasive," but rest assured asking someone to carry and give birth to a child is not a small thing. In addition to the numerous changes pregnancy inflicts on women and the potential devastating side effects of being pregnant (blood clots! gestational

Your choice of words gives away your real agenda here, and your argument is a false equivalency. The flip side of allowing an adolescent the right to have an abortion should she choose one is not forcing an adolescent to have an abortion if she doesn't.

Actually, we tried making minors give their babies up for adoption; it's why so many refer to the pre-Roe era as the "Baby Grab Era". And those women's stories are filled with loss, grief, anxiety, depression, isolation, and a whole host of other mental issues. The Girls Who Went Away is a fabulous book with oral

AGHHHHH NO, the court should not be able to say "You, 9 year old girl, are going to have this baby, because you're not mature enough to make the choice on your own." The court SHOULD say "Who in christ's name had sex with a 9 year old?"

There must be one of Sir Hiss somewhere in the dark bowels of the internets.

So apparently this is a thing.

I can't wrap my head around diamonds' supposed worth. Whoever is dropping millions of dollars on rocks, I am sad for you.

"First, introduce yourself and get their name, ask if they are having a good time, and then ask if they want anything to drink. If they say yes, walk them to the bar and tell them what we have to drink. If they say no and they look like they are in a sorority, ask them if they are in a sorority (DUH). If not, choose

Touching my stomach is the opposite of sexy. I will only think of all the things I ate that day and WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU RUBBING MY BELLY?

I know it's awful, but I love the "how to talk to chicks" section. It reminds me of this list I got from my mom, about what to say to my 3-year-old niece:

Today I learned from Beyonce that I'll know I've made it when I'm cool with painting my nails glittery pink atop my LV bag.

I totally agree about the irony of being all "in your face" and "transgressive" by wearing a thong, yet conforming totally to the weird-ass brazillian wax version of female sexuality. God forbid anyone shows any body hair, or you're in the remainder bin faster than Paula Cole.

There are no statements being made about female sexual power, it's not a commentary on culture or art, it doesn't raise questions about How We Live Now.

The problem with young, half-naked bodies being EVERYWHERE is that people (guys) start to think that's what an average woman's body should look like.


Mocking mental illness and being a racist asshole is why Miley is a horrible person

No "chutzpah?" What is this, Hobby Lobby?

Oh god. All of the sex, none of the drippy mess? Yes, please.

Personally I applaud the House GOP for all the hard work they've done this week to ensure that Hilary Clinton will be our next president.