What do you get when you don't tweet?
You only get lies and pain and cold feet
So FOR at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love a- gain
I'll never fall in love a- gain
What do you get when you don't tweet?
You only get lies and pain and cold feet
So FOR at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love a- gain
I'll never fall in love a- gain
"it means a bunch of people get rotated in front of you like legs of Spanish ham."
if you tweet 224 times to your significant other i will unfollow you
Someone here has to have the editing skills to do that...
Also bizarre how, even before Uncle Creep-o appears, the ad sets up a normal pap smear as a weird-awful-terrifying thing.
So, my main takeaway from this commercial was that the Burger King Guy quit his last gig, went back to school for his law AND medical degrees, then successfully ran for office? Wow. I'm proud of him!
the funny thing is...she wants old people like us...25+...to go nuts and mock her. The more we snark and feel ourselves smarter for doing it...wich we all are, trust me... the more her core audience loves her and can sneer back at us for being old and bitter and dried up.
Yeah, I can't with her anymore. I sort of feel like this now:
Yes, Miley Cyrus is a movement. A bowel movement.
I go to Osgoode. This was a 2L/3L course (Admin is optional, though recommended). The student hacked the email system and sent the message to the entire Admin mailing list. The name used to send the email does not exist and the email it was sent from no longer exists.
In other news everyone made sure to eat extra…
You are completely wrong! It's the noble kiwi who is the loudest member of the fruit family!
Here's an idea: any company that receives an exemption from providing insurance that covers birth control automatically has to provide mandated maternity leave, and insurance that covers medical costs associated with pre-natal care and giving birth.
God I love those things. I get such a gross satisfaction looking at all the little 'hairs' of crap I've pulled out.
Yes! God, I might get some on the way home tonight, just for old time's sake.
Remember that "best" is subjective. Like, in my own case, I don't give two fucks about big dicks, and I've had small dicks do wonders to me because the men they were attached to were attentive lovers. Many women feel like this, and you're bound to find more than one who'll be happy to sex you up.
I just looked online & saw (although unverified) that the average penis size is 5-5+ inches. I don't know for sure if that's true, but I'd just like to say I am so Team Average Dick. I do not need a massive penis. It makes oral sex miserable for me, it's painful for me to have sex with, etc. I know there are plenty of…
I honestly hope the article was a bad attempt at satire or parody.
For some reason, I really wanted this page to be about a Blueberry Possum.