
I'd do this. I've always been confused about people being super paranoid about babies. Toddlers...those foo's can escape! But babies essentially just lay there and cry. And if they are sleeping, and you are really just a flight of stairs away with a monitor and not stinking drunk, where's the problem? If you are

No. In Canada, the government directly subsidizes the universities, while simultaneously enacting cost-control measures. In the United States, the government subsidizes and/or guarantees students' loans, which allows universities to raise tuition because they know someone will always be there to pay it (with

Don't EVER read the comments on any website pertaining to parenting or babies or anything related. Dem bitches be crazy and super judgmental.

True. But there's 6 billion people on earth and we know of this happening once.


"Once she becomes sexually active with him, she releases hormones that mask his faults, and she remains in a dreamy state about him...and thereby less tempted to be critical of him."

Seriously, you'd think we'd be over a simple case of the late afternoon munchies and a snakey frenemy by now.

Marchesa, looking like Marchesa, since Marchesa.

Ah, growing up in the 90's...

For reals!! Give me a windmill and an orange ball. You guys can keep your sand traps and unbearable heat.

Thanks! I'm 23 by the way. I used to stress about having sex a lot, especially in college. I'm kind of going with the the-wand-chooses-the-wizard ideology, so when it's the right time/person, I'll just know. Good for you!

God, this. After fled my first job as a lawyer, I learned from an impeccable source that I got the job because the senior partner like hiring young women. That was also why no one in town took me seriously as an attorney or would hire me - they thought I was just this scuzzy asshole's slampiece. Despite being

That is the cutest thing I've seen all week.

We haven't heard back from Lindy yet. Something must have happened! :s

I bet he popped his gum one too many times

Er, actually, Lindy, I feel like the police are going to be hella suspicious if someone just magically falls off a cliff, but let me know how that one goes!


Hell in this economy, many people with an education aren't finding the sort of skilled jobs their degrees were supposed to provide. I can't comprehend some of the "screw the poors" commentary I'm hearing. Entitlement is flowing like a river...

And what YOU are missing is that the concept of "entry-level" jobs is dying (dead, in some industries). That may be the way things worked when Grandpappy was a whippersnapper, but it's no longer true. Trying to elucidate some ancient pie-in-the-sky American Dream from the Postwar boom doesn't address how the world