Yes, exactly! Not everyone wants to or has the skill set to go to college. Every service job is important to keep our country running, yet we treat employees like crap. Er, what?
Yes, exactly! Not everyone wants to or has the skill set to go to college. Every service job is important to keep our country running, yet we treat employees like crap. Er, what?
The "need" comes in after several people on the last article about this kept bringing up the argument that low income people don't "need" $15/hour. That's not my words, it's the folks' on your side.
But what is the point in having a minimum wage if it is not a living wage? Also, a living wage will depend on where you live (obviously central london is way more expensive than out in the stix). I never worked in central london when I as younger, but I think it gets taken into account over here.
Uhm, thanks to the absolute fuckery that is abstinence-only sex ed in too many areas of the US, it's depressing that comprehensive sex ed isn't the norm. When adult fuckheads like former senator Akin make dumbass statements about women's bodies "shutting down" during a rape so that she doesn't conceive says to me that…
Because guess what, you little troll, life doesn't always plan out the way you want it. People lose their higher paying jobs. People die. Homes get foreclosed on. Shit happens.
Yep. Yep yep yep all of this. Fast food workers don't "need" or "deserve" a wage that equates to a little over $30k a year before taxes, but bankers absolutely NEED and deserve the double digit millions of dollars they pull in. Right?
I've seen a popular sentiment when it comes to the low income of fast-food workers - "Why should THOSE people in unskilled jobs get sustainable living wage? There are people with degrees that make more than that! If they want to make more money, they should get more educated!"
Look aside from your rather unpleasantly antagonistic remark- which I would like to think was just a rather inept attempt at trolling readers you've forgotten to factor in a couple of things.
Okay, so what's your plan once all the fast food workers have gotten these special mythical "real jobs" and moved on? Who is going to serve you your food?
Not everyone is cut out for college. Because a person is not cut out for college shouldn't mean they shouldn't make a livable wage.
Today I learned that a livable wage should only be attainable to those of us with college degrees.
The math behind giving them a pay raise is so simple:
Yeah, fuck them. I can't enjoy my own success if it means OTHER PEOPLE can live comfortably and securely. It just ruins it for ME.
I lol'ed so hard on this comment because I can totally see the injustice of it all.
When Beyonce plays in Ibiza, they'll actually rename the entire island Ibeyza. Gotta consider every option, Anna.
So that is equal to this how? And besides that, there is NOTHING in that store the girl could have bought? Not some of that perfume her friend was looking at, not a bag, not some accessories? They had stuff for her. They didn't want her to have it!
I also have small feet. It is not the same thing as fat shaming.
Did they tell you you're not allowed to BE IN THE STORE?
Oof. I used to have major issues sleeping, but since the semester's started I've been out like Crocs and socks as soon as my head hits the pillow.