
Yup! I am an attorney too (in SF). I tell people that all the time. If I was to get divorced, I'd have to do it all myself. I couldn't even afford mediation.

Not for nothing, but people who work assembling jetliners can't afford them either...

Oh I share the shames. SHE HAS SUCH NICE SHOE DESIGNS!! Dammit :(

I did my own taxes this year.

Faith in the American public has been restored for about five minutes.

The only persian guy whose "opinion" I care "about"

I'm skeptical about just how frequently these questions are being asked.

But don't expect his support! Biology may require him to seek out younger women who will benefit from his support, but she better not expect it. Expecting it is a symptom of the dreaded "bitch" disease, no doubt.

Yes, just look at this quote:

Antelope Valley isn't even LA. He's a phoney! I had to read it twice to see where he mentioned it. You must have the patience of a saint to have read it that thoroughly on one read...

So he is really looking for the following:

I knew I wasn't worthy of this man when I stopped reading at the word airplane in quotes.

"I prefer it if you do not "talk about" other men in front of me. I do not want to hear about this "Justin Beiber" or "One Direction," and if you have posters of them above your bed or in your locker, please take them down."

I would "rather" die alone and be eaten by my "dog" than date this guy. GUARANTEE #1.

Only reason a guy like this has an issue with gold-diggers is that he lacks gold. Otherwise he is exactly the kind of guy who wants to take it out in trade, whether you're a hooker, his girlfriend, or his wife.

Doesn't FAQ mean FREQUENTLY asked? I doubt any of these qualify!

Huh. I was wondering why there seemed to be a shortage of quotation marks lately.

that was taxing.

I get the feeling that some people really regret the fact that you aren't able to buy wives the way you'd pick out a car or computer.