
Literally nothing he has said since being elected hasn’t confirmed what we knew the whole time, that Donald Trump is a neophyte who has never actually done any hard thinking in his life, and whose only previous hard job was deciding which model he was going to hit on once he named them a winner.

Now playing

It’s amazing. Dubya—as dumb as he is— actually can form coherent thoughts and complete sentences.

Trump makes GWB look like a saint. That’s not a small feat.

When W. is the voice of reason, things are quite fucked up.

I’ve seen several articles already headlined “Beatty Reads Wrong WInner”.

“The night’s final award for Best Picture was initially announced by Warren Beatty as belonging to La La Land,...”

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

As a former child who ate his steak that way and stopped once was shown what seasoning was, I can attest to the veracity that this is indeed how children eat.

one of the things I liked about it besides that the price point was so great was that I could sew lyrics into the fabric and have it be empowering for women. I think right now we could all use a little empowerment.

There will come a day when Miyazaki will have passed away and people will tell me that he will never make another film. And I won’t believe them then either.

I think he said that as explanation for why he decided to attempt to intervene.

How the fuck can they say they don’t have enough info to officially call it a hate crime? He yelled get out of my country and shot two people he believed were middle eastern. Sounds like a pretty open and shut case of hate crime and terrorism to me.

And this is my response, every time someone cries ‘I didn’t think he’d affect meeeeeee!’

I actually was able to completely stop taking my pain medication (Vicodin) because of marijuana. I feel 100% better ALL THE TIME and there’s no addiction. Fuck you, Trump.

Well... and if he is really concerned about the opioid epidemic (which of course we all know marijuana does not lead to opioid use), then maybe they shouldn’t defund public actions to fight it. Everything about them is stupid.

Brave Sir Rubio ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
(“I didn’t!”)
When danger reared it’s ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
(“I never!”)
Yes, brave Sir Rubio turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
(“You’re lying!”)
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave,

Goddamn the mental gymnastics needed to say that the trans bathroom isssue should be left to the states but somehow MARIJUANA needs to be federally-regulated! The hypocrisy is maddening.


I’m so glad I’m not the only person who has been fantasizing about a Designated Survivor-type of situation.

Was she forced to make that decision? Can 45 override her decision if she’d said no?