
And I now realize that Clover Hope meant that it is sad that equal representation is considered trail blazing.

So after posing an angry rant I realized that what you were probably saying is that it’s sad that the magazine that has equal representation is considered trailblazing.

I’m sure I’m going to get shit over this, and be called a racist, but really?

You are a beautiful troll, and I appreciate you.

Holy fucking shit that’s horrible. Why the fuck was he not in jail?

Hitler was a fascist. Fascism is a right-wing movement. For fuck’s sake. If you’re going to bitch and whine about boogieman liberals at least get the correct form of totalitarianism down.

Or that you can afford financial advice.

Because most people can’t afford things without going into debt. For example, I couldn’t afford college without student loans. If I had worked my shitty 9 dollar an hour job while saving up to go to college I...never would have gone to college. I never would have saved enough money while taking living expenses into

Except when a man donates sperm to a sperm bank he is consenting for his sperm to be used in this manner.

1. Basically your only remotely valid point in this whole post. So, 17 out of 50 states provides funds for abortion. Good for them. I didn’t know this.

1. Taxes are not used to pay for abortions in the US. I don’t know about other countries, but women in the US receive no government assistance for abortions. So, already, your point is invalid. But allow me to also point out further why your comparison is idiotic.

Women are already disproportionately poorer than men, and it’s because they are way more likely to be single parents who don’t have a co-parent because somehow being legally responsible for a child doesn’t mean that a man is actually going to pay child support for that child. Or because the child support isn’t enough.

Clearly there needs to be an expansion on Goat Simulator where you can play a sheep tripping their balls off.

What about the judge who allowed them to get married? Seriously. Who fucking approves of a marriage between a 14 year old and a 24 year old? If I saw that I would have them arrested right fucking there.

If he put it back in the applicator, and the applicator was plastic with the closed head I could see her not checking. I never check my tampons that closely.

People keep saying this, but do people examine their tampons before use? Because I don’t. I wouldn’t think of pulling it out of the applicator to look.

She committed a microaggression. I have no idea what happened post “Real Women Have Curves”. I just think if someone commits a micro aggression they need to be told so they don’t do it again, and then we should move on. I’m sure at this point Blake Lively knows the reasons why saying what she said was wrong. I don’t

Also, how does your color-blindness help combat overt racism like that from the KKK or white nationalists groups? I’m not trying to attack you. I just don’t understand your viewpoint, and I want to understand because I see people saying this colorblind stuff all the time, and I don’t get it.

Ok. I’m going to say this clearly. Racism works both ways. If you want to end racism, truly end it, then you stop seeing people for the color of their skin or their ethnic background. Period.

I don’t agree that this is proof that she holds herself superior to black women. I think she’s an idiot who didn’t think about what she posted.