
They really should have sent Action Bronson.

Good. We need to get angry. The time for tolerance has long passed. They wouldn't think twice about hitting us with a bat; why should we recoil from hitting them with one?

Peace, love, tolerance…..none of these will defeat those evil Nazi bastards. Take self-defense courses, learn to use a gun, don't be afraid to fight and to get hurt. These scumbags are ready, willing, and able to mow us all down because we believe in equality; there's absolutely NO reason we should be unprepared. The

Strange, isn't it? Our grandfathers' generation fought and died to destroy Nazism. And then their grandchildren and great-grandchildren march in the streets Seig Heiling and waving the swastika flag. Too stupid and ignorant to see the irony.

We can arrange to have him stabbed and brought back to life…..

I agree with Dany's handling of the Tarly's even though it was a damn shame Dickon sacrificed himself, being the better of the 2. Randyl needed to die; he betrayed his liege lords, sided with the Lannisters, and got beat in battle. Dickon would have been a worthy successor for his House but ended up having too much

Looks like this DJ ain't bustin' up no chiffarobes today…

You know who already peaked in life by knowing who liked high school and who hated it.

I was thinking the same thing. "IT'S A DRAGON, STOOOPID!!!!!!!!". C'mon, that's gold. And before that, the roars when Drogon came up? Classic.

I've resorted to using the same password, but changing the number at the end. I've had a password rejected for having 2 of the same characters. Stupid.

It will. The guy gets behind the wheel of a firetruck and says "vroom, vroom!!". How can you not expect him to react like an over-privileged 7 year old?

Oh, it would be devastating to the country, for sure. Trump tries to nuke something (maybe whales??), military coup ensues and topples the Administration or coup from within with Mattis and Kelly leading it, Red Hats rise up with all their guns and take to the streets, millions of Red Hats fall to rubber bullets, lead

Magical geography?? Poppycock! Tell me more about that dragon though…..

Cassette? What? Too poor for an 8-track, buddy!?!?

There's a mod on PS4 called OP Dogmeat. Makes him ridiculously strong and gives him unlimited carry weight. If looting everything in sight is your thing, you'll like this mod. I mostly use him to carry heavy weapons and extra ammo but I usually play on Survival with Immersive Gameplay. So no, I'm not wearing

This one's FPS system was smoother than NV or FO3. I'm not expecting dedicated FPS games-level mechanics for FO to the likes of CoD or Battlefield. Aiming and tracking were generally smooth and accurate.

Hey, bullets are heavy.

Sorry. 2 years of reading people bitch about FO4 and heaping undeserved praise on NV has made me trigger-happy.

So, FO4 when you're getting ready for a big battle and spend an hour at your player home modding weapons and stocking up on supplies?

Oh for the love of…….enough with the NV shite! It sucked. You wandered around a desert for most of the game and when you finally get to New Vegas, you find it's basically 3 blocks of the Strip. So what, NV gave you a slightly better storyline through some more dialogue options and all of a sudden it's the best Fallout