
There's already a growing porn category like this so I think it's about to take off.

Oh I'm sure there's a fair amount of folks here who wouldn't mind a little Jon Sand in their cracks.

Yeah, she's a little bit of a nutter. Her looks only get her so far. To be fair, that's pretty damn far with her. But there is a limit. I got a little scared for Tyrion there for a second. Half-man just trying to drop some knowledge on her.

Who cares? He'll die faster drinking that shit all the time.

You sure he said that about Carl and not Dennis? Carl died in 1998, so they weren't what they were 30-40 years prior. I know Dennis's death was a huge blow to them.

Oh it's the bee's knees. I usually hate interludes in albums but Wolfman Jack is perfect and he puts you right back into the movie. I can see him now trying to finish those popsicles before the broken freezer gets too warm.

I Know There's an Answer is a great song. All of Pet Sounds is like a fine, aged wine before you realize you like wine. It's what inspired Sgt. Pepper's and it showed the world that The Beach Boys were about more than surf wax and girls in bikinis. It highlighted them as artist and not just a pop band.

"The hell am I missing?"

Never got the appeal, myself. Looks like a really big leaf you boil for an hour. Like, lettuce but really thick.

I actually live in a subdivision named for him, and didn't realize it until we signed the contract…..whoops. The 2 "R"'s on the entrance and street signs should have warned me but being in the South, I just figured some stupid hick made a grammatical mistake.

And collard greens. People LOVE collard greens down here.

Germany teaches its people about Nazis without having statues to Hitler on every corner in Berlin.

We just opened the Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta.

"Riots" was the wrong word. Unrest.

Say what you will about us but we here have it much better than Europe on race relations. Here, we've got a bunch of uptight white white-collars marching with Wal-Mart bought tiki torches. In France, Germany, the UK, etc., there are massive riots when it comes to race. How many have there been in the last 4-5 years?

Goddamn, I love the British!!

What the fuck is up with you all and chain restaurants? Yeah, Applebee's should die a quick death but Waffle House is a chain, man. What did WH ever do to you?? (don't answer….)

If a woman needs a boob job to have confidence, I want nothing to do with her. Natural confidence is sexier than a well crafted set of fake C's. A chick with B's and confidence is much sexier.

Bullshit. Ed Harris said that before diving into The Abyss.

Well, quit getting triggered by shit and we won't make fun of you anymore. And hey, we tease out of love. If we don't toughen you all up, who is going to fight the Nazi Confederates in 2030?? Not me man; I'll be growing pot and getting high….and hiding in the bomb shelter.