
With all the stupid shit trump has done in 7 months, who's not to say HE'S not working undercover for the entire DNC to bring down the GOP? This is the strangest life I've ever known.

Ha! Sure we'd all like to bash in Dice's head. But we don't do it right away. That's a slow-build murder, drawn over a season of annoying Diceisms.

This one and The Assassination of Jessie James…. are movies I would describe that way: patient and intense. Both are extremely well done.

Meh. Not what I'd call "sick burns". More like a "woozy rash".

Ugh. Vinyl sucked.

Are they doing IT in 2 parts? Seems strange that nothing has been released about them as adults.

Book Jorah definitely wears the Creeper King crown. Show Jorah I don't blame for having the hots for a 17 year old girl. By Westerosi standards, that's being gentlemanly.

The color doesn't scare me; it's the ramp that swings down and crushes you to death. Hahahaha!

But they're not slotted by power anymore; they're slotted by type: ballistic vs energy. This new system doesn't take DMG given into account; that's up to you decide as the Guardian. I won't be the least bit surprised if you see ballistic rocket launcher drops.

Bungie addressed the purple-nurple drops and there will be more in strikes.

You got to see In Spite of All the Danger live? LUCKY!

Sick bastard….in love with a 13 year old girl.

Why does no one like the weapon changes? I don't see a big deal. I fucking love it, actually. If, like me, you like wielding pistols, BAM!, 2 pistols in a fight. You like scout rifles? Fuck it! Have 2!! All the changes really do is to stick ballistic weapons in its own slot and put the energy weapons together, based

That was cool, but was it too large?? That ship looked ungodly huge. I can't remember if that's how The Silence is described in the book and I'm too lazy to look it up.

Right? Can't get worse than Ramsey…..unless you're an Other. Ramsey makes Euron look more like Aeron.

The first mission was cool; as a Day One player, it was bittersweet to see my beloved Tower torn up but I'm looking forward to the new social space in Sherwood Fucking Forest. PvP was PvP; a few changes made it more difficult for me to kill you quickly but tough titties, right? Strike was awesome; felt like a

I haven't robbed a bank yet in order to do that. Is there still a surgeon at the gate who asks you "Arm or leg?"?

I hope your next comment dissects the similarities between apples and oranges….

Hhhhh, as a father of a girl who watches this……yes, 2 girls, the Asian one is actually hilarious. Of course they are supported by a cast and this asshat was one of their fellow vloggers.

I give this one a C. There are only so many places the show can go now and I find myself not being at all surprised about the "twists". Even Arya finding Nymeria was anti-climatic and not really that touching. Some of the better parts: Olena having a heart-to-heart with Dany on leadership, Arya's deadpan looks as she