
True story. 2,000 deaths, 11,000 casualties total, eclipse the Titanic loss very cleanly.

The score is absolutely fantastic, but I have no interest in the game itself — I lack a PS4, money, and interest (especially after reading other reviews about it, including on AVClub). Makes me think of Ralph Vaughn Williams, high praise indeed, if he were still alive to score video games today. The choral settings

I had it for PC (I say "had", because I haven't been arsed to reinstall Steam since I reformatted). THAT was an experience in and of itself.

I always did wonder that — there's also a lot of written-for-adult fantasy and science fiction (and, in older novels, mixes of the two) that eventually found its way onto the young-adult shelves, presumably as attitudes regarding what is appropriate for children relaxed, that would also make some really interesting

…huh. I like it.

A BuzzFeed post circulating Facebook is followed with the quote "If Harry Potter taught us anything, it's that no one should live in the closet," in regards to LGBT concerns…but I guess that didn't also mean the broom closet. Little loss of points in my book for her; it's one thing to not specifically INclude, it's

I hear it's the drumsticks that are really the most enticing.

Now it seems the Internet is looking to even the Skorzeny.

Who's Taylor Swift? Is she related to that Taylor Slow person with the slow-motion hell-and-chains song that A.V. Club posted recently?

I'm excited for the first…I dunno, half of the books to finally see
daylight in this format. I was a little weirded out by how much
suspension of disbelief had to go into the later books — it was beyond
"coincidences and broken laws of probability around the pro- and
antagonists" and more of "no. Just no. Fish? Forest

I find myself really, really wanting to listen to Einstürzende Neubauten all of a sudden.

Damn, you beat me to it.

Same here, frankly. Especially with the talk of the waiting room bit.

Totally unrelated, but you are so lucky to have been the one to get that username.

So, supposedly this is happening: