
It's a tough one. I have a daughter with autism and am 100% pro vaccinations. I don't think vaccinations caused the autism, but I can sympathize why people try and find a scapegoat. I had a daughter with autism and had her at 25 so already don't fit into the easy classifications. The thought that I could have done

Same here. I met my husband when I was 17, got together a year or so later and now 12 years later still together. So I know that eh, feeling.

It doesn't surprise me. Long story short I visited a family member in prison once and all the visitors were treated with contempt. I wasn't expecting 5 star customer service but the issues caused by simply asking questions to clarify the rules was insane.

I feel for you. I have a daughter around the same age (3 and a half) who is austistic. We only got an "official" diagnosis recently but known since she was two and have had her in a range of therapy. Where I feel for you is we have heard so many different things from so many people regarding is she is on the spectrum

' What got me through much of my kid's younger years was the thought that "I'll only be 45 when they're both off to college!"

I agree. The stolen photos are awful and should not be part and parcel of being famous. However, realistically being on magazine covers and the attention is what makes him famous and gives him the big money. If it was all about the art then he wouldn't have signed up for the next big teen franchise.

I agree. C section 1 I had the whole newborn learning curve. C section 2 I had a newborn and a 13 month old (whoops). It is real surgery and sure the moment of the child coming out might be easier because you don't have to do a whole lot but the recovery is not fun.

I would consider myself geeky/nerdy and watch the show. In general the geeky/nerdy people I know that hate the show are the same ones that are upset when something they like goes mainstream

Good for them. The amount of money the studio gets from syndication and worldwide advertising in unfathomable. It isn't as if the money is being taken from someone more worthy (or would be given to someone more worthy if they didn't get the raises).

Thank you very much. She does qualify and is in the school districts special education preschool already and part of the counties system. Part of the reason we already knew, what was coming it was just making it official.

Thank You! I have read that article before and teared up, like you said it is amazing and I will also checkout that link

We've known unofficially for a while, but this week my daughter (3) got diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Deep down I knew what the doctor was going to say so I wasn't upset that day but as the week has gone on my emotions have been all over the place and I don't know how I should feel. I am focusing on the

I have a three year old who is autistic and I am in this phase. She is non verbal and will lash out. People love to tell me how I should handle the situation and tell her she is wrong but she just doesn't understand.

My first was only 5 months old when a mistake was made and I got pregnant. That was hard dealing with them as babies. They are 3 and 4 now and it was starting to get easier but the youngest is autistic so....not so much. But we are happy and they are good friends.

With my first my husband had only been at his job for two months so onlytook two days off. I was in the hospital for a few extra days because of complications that resulted in a c section. That wasn't too bad as we had a nicu baby so at least I was close. Anyway 6 weeks after dealing with complications and a c section

Urgh tell that to a friend who is 30 and celebrates each month and calls it an anniversary.

I stay home for a few reasons. It started off financially, day care is expensive and now my two year old is in 20 hours of therapy (autism worry) a week which wouldn't be possible if I worked.

I agree. People have to take the day off, or if they are local rush after work. Not the best idea to please wedding guests

I am pretty good with the amount I share but I don't see why people complain about this. I live 5000 miles away from all but one of my blood relatives (the one is still 300 miles away) and the easiest way to share photos and our lives is Facebook. If I have to see 5 posts a day about cross fit or your rehashed George

I hate the concept of bridal showers. I know people who don't do the fun lingerie ones but the full bridal registry, and then people are supposed to gift again at the wedding? That is a load of crap.