
Last year they cut the part where they would play the original songs. Not sure what the plan is this year.

I had a love hate relationship with Accutane. It cleared up my acne after two rounds. But the blood draws, the mandatory birth control, the depression, the chapped lips, I couldn't eat food....all made being 16 that much worse.

I'm married with two kids introvert. Had a small wedding, did not dream of doing a shower for that. With my first kid a family friend threw a shower which was a little uncomfortable as it was filled with people I did not know but it was one afternoon. With the second I did nothing as it is frowned upon around here.

Better to be born on the 31st so your parents can claim you on their taxes. Jan 1st babies have to wait a full year.

My kids are both red heads. One has brown eyes the other has blue.

She could have kept a photo of the test or re tested just to announce.

Three year olds don't figure it out so much as their parents don't perpetuate the myth. This article reeks of self importance and idiocy.

To be fair they were both pretty iconic roles. Roles which a person would covet regardless of the weight requirements.

My first thought was "I wonder how Suri is reacting".

Congratulations on the pregnancy. Don't stress too much, although morning sickness is a stereotypical pregnancy symptom it is certainly not a guarantee.

I found out I was pregnant when my oldest was 5 months old. At the time was upset and then pretty exhausted. They are coming up on 3 and 2 now, and they are a handful but there are some advantages to the whole back to back pregnancy thing.

Nothing is as bad as Caillou, what a whiny little boy.

Probably true. When I worked Black Friday retail my management spread that around too. It didn't matter what your availability was everyone on payroll was required to work that day.

I know it has been said by other people, but I feel it bears repeating: the sales on Black Friday are for the most part no better than any other sale.

I loved the documentary. I found it very inspirational as it was simply the story of a child who knew what he wanted to do from a very young age and worked hard until he not only succeeded but became one of them best at what he does.

I am not sorry that Halle Berry lost. France is great, her boyfriend is French, the paparazzi are better over there, all of which would be good other than it is a horrible move to pull on the child's father. If it was all about the paparazzi she could find somewhere closer.

Ginger babies are pretty great, and everyone I come across loves them. I seem to recall an article on gawker/jezebel a while back about people avoiding ginger babies when they go to a sperm bank.

Sorry, I wasn't clear, I live in the States so would be doing it here if I did.

I have seriously considered this. I have children, don't want any more yet I am still in my twenties, and very fertile. I have sometimes felt guilt when I hear about people that struggle conceiving as for me it is so easy and although I feel for them I know I cannot really understand that pain and frustration.