
I completely agree. I get it, her fiancee is French, living in France would be great but I cannot get on board with throwing the child in the middle and using her as a pawn. I also can't get behind moving so far away from the father. Even with money the trip to France is such a long one, visiting isn't a picnic so

This was my cousin. Throughout school she was the straight A student without even trying. She got accepted to one of the best universities. Unfortunately it all fell apart when she wasn't the best anymore and surrounded by other smart people and many of these smart people worked crazy hard to be where they were. She

I grew up in England and then switched to an American system. I much prefered the 6 weeks off at summer and the rest of the vacation was spread throughout the year.

I get that, and that would annoy me too. I guess I just don't have friends that do that with their kids and feel like it is a stereotype that parents flood facebook with unnecessary information.

Maybe it is because I have kids so I'm biased, but what is the big deal? Sure if you post daily photos, or every minute detail about your child it is annoying, but life events are a lot more interesting than the plate of food a person is eating, or that they checked in to see Batman which is a lot of what my feed is.

We don't have a babysitter because of money. To be honest I would be one of those people that asks the 14 year old neighbour, I am not the sort of person that stresses about a lot of the other things. When we do go out my in laws are more than happy to look after the kids. We don't do it often so that we don't

I am having this problem right now. I have two toddlers and cannot work so I stay at home and look after them. My husband works long hours and we struggle with money so I have no time or luxury for myself. It isn't that I think I should make my children the centre of my world but when I am with them from dawn till

The quickest way to get my two year old to stop asking for my drink (be it coke, beer or wine etc.) is to offer it to him. Now I don't actually stick it in his cup I just offer the glass to him. One sniff and he'll laugh and shake his head, he doesn't want the drink he just thought he did because he wasn't allowed

The quickest way to get my two year old to stop asking for my drink (be it coke, beer or wine etc.) is to offer it to him. Now I don't actually stick it in his cup I just offer the glass to him. One sniff and he'll laugh and shake his head, he doesn't want the drink he just thought he did because he wasn't allowed

Babies are not taken away from a mother in a hospital. Even when I had a c section the baby stayed in my room at all times and there was a nurse explaining everything to me while I was in the recovery room watching my baby get all measurements taken. Unless the mother asks for the baby to go to a nursery the baby

I know it is an anecdote but my first would have probably died if I hadn't been at a hospital. I had an easy pregnancy, I was young, very low risk, yet within minutes my son was on breathing tubes and wound up with a nicu stay, I know life is full of risks but I believe having a baby at home is too great a risk.

I loved Joe Schmo. In the second season when they had two contestants one of them figured it out and so they then gave her a script to join in. Maybe that was all part of the setup but I still loved it.

People do it because there is a lot of difference between a child who has just turned one and one that is almost two. Personally I just say just turned two for my toddler but there are plenty of people on the playground that will be more specific. After two seems competitive but before that justifiable. It is

"But it's also hard to imagine Smith (no stranger to secret gayness rumors) would have reacted with similar violence to a female reporter."

The problem is Americans take it back too far. I moved to America from England and I laugh when people tell me they are Irish or Italian or Polish or....etc. Some people truly are, if your parents are immigrants or even your grandparents at least there is a connection but when you have to go back 5 or so generations

I agree. I would like to say I would take the high road, but that much money for a couple of pictures that would be shared with the world anyways? Hard to turn down.

I have never had anything like this happen to me, nor has anyone said anything about being sexually assaulted to me. I spent 4 years in a liberal, "hippy", pot smoking, alcohol flowing school, maybe it was just the social life I led that meant I was sheltered from all this.

My husband has over 30 first cousins from one side. Currently there are 10 great grandkids but goodness knows how many there will be in a few years as most of the cousins have started having kids yet.

Not a weirdo. I never see movies in theatres either. The cost is too high considering I'll can watch the movies on dvd soon anyway. Occasionally I will see some of the big ones, HP part 2 was the last movie I can remember seeing.

But then you would get asked about kids. Once a child is two they have to pay for a full seat. They don't weight much and don't take up the whole seat. I'm not saying there should be a discount for kids, but it opens up more issues. In their view if the seat is being used it has to get paid for just like anyone else.