@cbytes: Yes, large cities. I'm talking widespread coverage overhaul, coast to coast.
@cbytes: Yes, large cities. I'm talking widespread coverage overhaul, coast to coast.
Needs visualizations and an equalizer to be complete.
@ThePr1nce: Is there any evidence they are?
Bit horny, Matt?
They're clearing making a profit, why aren't they working to improve their network?
Am I the only one who hates racing games on a touchscreen? I feel retarded turning my phone to steer. It reminds me of the childhood days when my sister used to turn her SNES controller to try and turn better in Mario Kart.
Oh god.
Fuck the research, I want to go swimming there.
I seem to recall a similar article being posted when Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were photographed meeting together, and nothing ever came of that.
@awhitemormon: I don't know what apps you're talking about that are hideous.
@Dominic Corona: I mean this in the nicest way possible, but is it because you don't know how to use it?
@awhitemormon: I don't live in a problem area (as far as I know, anyway), so I wouldn't know.
Edit, delete please
Anyone who wanted an iPhone pretty much has one, on AT&T. If the iPhone ever becomes available on Verizon, it's not like there's going to be a huge transfer of Android users to iOS. Because, honestly, Android can do so much more.
@matt buchanan: The WSJ has been reporting that for years.
@Spoony Bard: Nothing ever lives up to its hype.
@ModernBawhair: They did..
@StupidSimple: Seems like that's when I always really, really, want it, too.
Until it burns down.