
Chick-fil-A is fucking great. Just saying.

Isn't that why we pay taxes? I'm not in city limits and I don't have to pay for fire department service.

@Bea Arthur: Just install LauncherPro and hide them from the app drawer. I don't get why the pre-loaded apps are such a big deal.

@SKiTz: Seriously. This annoys the crap out of me when I go to use my stepmom's Droid X, coming from my Droid 1.

Something that I never understood, and maybe someone here can explain, is why don't the theaters just cover the screen in a big piece of film that's used in the glasses? It seems like it'd work, because when I hold the glasses far away from my face, I can still see the picture clearly and in 3d.

@IGotTheGuns: Haha, you're not the only ones, trust me.

Damn, that IS tempting.

I've lived in Florida my entire life, and hurricanes are one of the worst things about living here. They're also, in my opinion, one of the best.

@blehbleh13: What kind of pipes do you have? Clean it with rubbing alcohol, and, depending on whether it's glass or not, use q-tips as well.

That little girl looks like she's going to end us all.

You know, he has a point.

@badasscat: The Milestone's already been rooted.

@jmeltzer: Because people allow themselves to be lead by the dumb and blind.

@badasscat: The Droid X is on its way to custom ROMs, I'm sure the D2 will be the same way.

Meh snapdragon.

You call it interruptions. I call it multitasking and creative motivation.

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Apologies for the late reply, Opera doesn't always like to tell me I have replies until I have like 12 of them.