Papaya Spinach

When mocking or dissing something, don’t you kind of want to do it with something better, a superior iteration, a good joke, or at least an effective insult? Or alternatively, when appropriating something, take it to a bigger stage at the very least?

I’m doing the same thing with alcoholism. No problem!

The films of Wes Anderson.

I love that scene in Foot Fist Way where McBride ends up peeing on the wedding ring in the bleachers ... the lines leading up to that kill me every time, and the movie is just filled with that crazy shitty trashy beautiful kind of humor that never even makes it onto the radar of a committee list like this. And there

Sorry, but no, you do have to tell them to stop sometimes ... when tellers and baggers are mishandling fresh produce, especially, I ain’t havin it. I’m not saying give them the whole lesson or anything, but peppers et. al. go on top of, or separate from, the juice and pop and cans and everything else basically.

I knew GTA would get around to working in some incest porn.

I used to show this to kids in my research writing (comp 2) class, but can’t remember exactly why. Definitely something about assembling evidence and maybe about the “many sides” to a story(!)