Papo Secos

Pass the bill anyways, quorum or not. Republicans don’t play by the rules, so Democrats need to stop as well.

Well, hopefully after his little prison stint he’ll make better choices.

He’s like 5'8 with 3 pairs of socks on.

And as always, White Nationalists are the real victims. Funny how these dipshits always screech about government regulation and how harmful it is, yet the second a business decides not to allow racists a platform for hate speech, there needs to be regulation.

It’s almost like these festering turds have no real ideology

It’s covered in poopoo

It’s called reality my dude. I know you LOVE Roethlisbeger, as a totally straight and NOT gay dude...not at all. You just love him passionately, as a man, loving another a totally straight way. So much that you have to defend him if anyone talks bad about him.

Totally straight though.

Numerous Bengals have had their seasons ended early because of cheapshots by the Steelers(Palmer, Rivers, Huber, Bernard).

Looks like Burfict is taking your advice.


Your favorite player is a rapist, dude.

It’s funny how people act as if Burfict is an outlier here, over the years numerous Bengals have been knocked out for extended periods due to cheapshots by the Steelers.

Palmer getting his knee destroyed by Von Oelhoffen , Keith Rivers broken jaw by Hines Ward, Kevin Huber broken jaw by Terence Gavin, Tyler Eifert

Sports makes people awful, yesterday I had a Steelers fan tell me they didn’t care if their QB was a rapist, as long as he won.

Not sure who the house Dems should start impeachment proceedings against first, Kavanaugh or Trump.

but where’s the full porn pic

The turtle would bring a gun to the ring, shoot Pacquiao and blame the Democrats.

Flacco IS the hopelessly underthrown pass interference call prayer ball.

How‘s that boot taste?

I hate officials as much as the next inebriated, overly invested sports fan, but if you ever question an officials integrity, i.e. “you’re a thief”, you should expect to get penalized.

What bias is that? Ramos has given numerous rules violations to high profile males in the last few years, including two to Andy Murray in 2016 and 2017.