
Dating has changed a LOT since I got married.

Seriously, any dude that uses "libations" (or even worse "m'lady") who is not dressed in period-accurate reproduction clothing needs to be drawn and quartered. The Queen has so ordered.

does nobody else think that both stories seem off? Even if he is a douche why would he out of no where repeatedly attack a woman for no reason. Like I don't believe it was as saintly as he says and that elevator snap was all the proof I need of his douchedom. Where was everyone at the dance? Like why we're they not

I'm getting so tired of the "Real men do X" thing. "Real men" hit women. "Real men" rape women. "Real men" make excuses for other real men hitting and raping women. "Real men" also (and overwhelmingly) don't hit women, don't rape women, and condemn men who do. They're all "real men." That is the damn problem. I don't

Daenerys simultaneously makes me ragey and bored. I like Tyrion's chapters the best.

My secret is that I also find Daenerys boring as all get out.

Agenda? What Agenda?

And not a single pandaren in sight.

I told you man, I'm ruthless. I don't have the time, or usually even inclination, to go and replay games. You get so many coming in on the conveyer belt in this job - especially since I cover PC indie stuff a lot - that I just never get the chance to look back, even if I wanted to.

Can we be #teamcephalopodforever?

You should have just titled this, "Hey Pie, Here's A Post Just For You Because You Know Cephalopods Are The Greatest Creatures The Planet Has Ever Known." So happy right now.

No one is advocating removing all violence directed towards women from all games. That's pretty much a strawman position that people who don't want anything to change use to rail against.

The thing is that I wouldn't be having this conversation if Jezebel hadn't covered the damned thing with two posts (that I've seen). Has it really garnered that much attention?

I could see Lucas himself damaging the negatives.

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

I really enjoyed the American version of Life on Mars (Jason O'Mara is very pretty) but yeah, that ending. I remember sitting there with my mouth open saying "what the fuck was that all about?"

Thanks for basically ruining my weekend with this story. Leaving now to take my kids for as much ice cream as they can eat until they barf. Big hugs for them. They are the light of my life.

This movie looks awesome. I sorely regret looking at the comments.

A humorous critique about representation in movies?