Hmmmmmmm; braking temps and racing heat did not kill”mag” metal wheels; high price and the occasional “spark” did them in.
Hmmmmmmm; braking temps and racing heat did not kill”mag” metal wheels; high price and the occasional “spark” did them in.
At about $4K a set or so, I’m a buyer!
That is silly, ridiculous, ill-informed, borderline “really?” and please stop.
Yer kidding right? Did you imagine the mesh in 3-D space? And, how the weave around the hub a spoke area worked for the whole wheel? Perhaps you should be reading elsewhere... just sayin.
Hmmmmmmm; it is sad that poor people don’t have enough to eat, and often their choices are high-calorie fat laden foods (lots of study on why, but “load up for less” is a good short version). And I’m sorry that those same families also are likely single parent, not well educated, and generally have a hard time making…
Too many miles and “mods” = mistreated, in my book.
Bump! While it might be a runner, the price is just the tip of the giant money-pit iceberg awaiting.