
not even a glimpse of evil-lyn? i want to see how she has aged. I'm older, she's older. it can work.

Fear X and the viking one - they're both pretty good.

a format too far.

a gem

heaven can wait is the superior movie for me, by some distance. its a great performance by beatty and James Mason is perfect

A truly great film. Sucks you into its dark heart.

I'm obviously not talking about chronic pain like you have suffered. I'm talking about knee jerk stuff like, my kid has a headache so let me fill her full of calpol. or I hate flying so give me some tranqs. or 90% of epidurals during child birth. People need to tough THAT shit out. the stuff you have to deal with,

generally we need to build up a better tolerance to pain, as a society. we are dangerously over medicated. especially in the developed world. the kinds of things we take painkillers for plenty of people around the world just deal with.

Beatty has never really been box office. Too singular.

I'm on board with that. For the lov eof the game has a great rhythm. Mr Brooks is all fun. Won't someone make Costner their muse?

i haven't seen the movie yet but you nailed some points very early on for me about the director / the approach of the superman franchise:

The Rambo arcade game is insane - to this day.

Seraphim Falls. Either Liam Neeson jumps out of a horse carcus at Pierce Brosnan or Pierce Brosnan leaps out at Neeson. Underrated little western.

Give it a better grade so i watch it.

Chris Pine deserves every award going for trying to make this shite feel important.


how is that measured?

if you are looking for something more obscure in his small filmography, The Immortal Story is really good and gives us an idea of another direction he would liked to have taken later in his career.

all you can hope for in life are great things… to want to decide what kind of great things you get seems a step too far. I'll take seven great QT westerns if that's how they're coming.