
i always get nervous that Daryl is gonna run out of arrows… and i always suffer a little when loses posession of his crossbow. this was a hard episode for me.

I have gone through stages in my life like that… then i here a snatch of here comes the sun, dear prudence, blackbird… and i;m back in. I'm like this with heroin, too.

All those bands were hugely influential and innovative and transformed their identities. But they're not the beatles.

To answer the question in the headline: never. Now go and listen to the remastered 'Dear Prudence'.

Love that movie. James Woods at his weaseliest

one i REALLY wanted to like more than i did.

everyone in this movie looks entirely ridiculous.

Good shout. Or Breaking Away.

I think this is a tremendous deptiction of the strange mix of arrogance and self-doubt that makes up an athlete. The ending is a perfect way to show the fleeting nature of greatness and that there is always someone breathing down your neck, willing and able to snatch it all away from you.

smallest rugby players I've ever seen.

Is the idea of Max Landis more fun than Max Landis?

All of Marvel's stuff feels sanitised and soft. Watche dthe first episode and it's the same old shit.

Can someone just tell me before i dive in… is this show good?

It's all the pandering. The clamouring.

The fans.


nine last rides!

wishul sinful wicked blue…. water covers you

Thanks. It's quite a moving ending!

why was it unproduced?