
Leave it to a guy named Pettitte to be all wussy about an "elbow injury"

We were really really confident in Silvio Berlusconi

No one cares about your Copa del Reys and Spanish Super Cups, sourgrapes. Call me when you win a Champions League or World Cup title. Oh wait, you can't even get caps for URUGUAY.

Call me when Arlen gets this sort of stadium

I thought Napster was illegal because the software made it possible to boost the transfer speed through caching of the songs on their end, or something like that. These sites should definitely be legal, especially if hosted in other countries, but realistically, it probably takes all of 2 seconds to make a mirror or

Now, let's find a way to incorporate this into the Olympic Stadium of Montreal

Can we attribute their recent on-ice success to Affirmative Action?

Do we really need a web site called Mac Generation and another called iGeneration.....

Any friend of Silvio is a friend of mine

No, it was the Italian coach that resulted in a win

Meanwhile, Vince McMahon is ready to reveal the REAL culprit, whose first words will likely be "It was me Patrick, it was me all along"

To which the ball boy responded by taking off his ultra-realistic mask and revealing that he was, indeed, Osama Bin Laden

The Pro Bowl format is the most retarded thing to hit tv since 3 Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place

Hey, it worked for Valentino Rossi

He looks like a man on a mission

I'd rather they not play, forcing ESPN to give the NHL a sick tv deal that they'll regret giving once the NFL comes back

Why does he look anemic?