I also enjoy her stripping
I also enjoy her stripping
Ugh, are they pumping the play by play in the arena's PA system, or is the audio of my online feed that horrible?
I was tear gased in Montreal after the Canadiens won their first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. You don't need to go to the middle east/northern africa to feel the wrath of these babies
That's cool and all, but why did he have to be all smug about it in his tweet?
Yes, he really proved how strong Asia was, in that competition where only Asian nations can compete. Did you guys hear that Korea finished third in the Asia cup guys?
As long as Ellen herself keeps her not so tight end heavily covered, I see no harm in her actions
Man, I'm short guy and I've been with a couple of 6 foot tall girls. It was definitely weird, I can't imagine what banging this broad would be like. I don't find her that attractive though, anyone else notice her legs are too skinny for her upper body, and her face looked skinnier in every video/promo shot they had of…
One of the best articles I've ever read on Kotaku. Makes me want to support MLB The Show even though my Montreal Expos don't exist anymore :(
Wow, so you're telling me the America Gladiator didn't last forever? And her one only asset, her looks, depreciated as she aged? Holy cow, this is inconceivable. How can a normal person ever foresee such a turn of events!
Hey Hickey, it never went in cause the Flyers never should have been in the finals to begin with. Habs for life!
@Comatose Turtle: yes, a storied history of lackluster launches, like when the ps2 launch was the greatest launch of all time up until that point. Or when you couldn't find a psp or ps3 in any shops during the launch of those respective consoles. Yes, such horrible failures
Hey Katie Baker, how about ditching those zeros and coming home with this hero
Too bad he couldn't do anything with Milan
It was I, the mastermind behind all of this
@drunkexpatwriter: You honestly think Berlusconi didn't already fuck her? Hell, I'd bet he fucked her before Sarkozy
As someone that used to think her looks were overrated, I keep finding her prettier and prettier as she ages
"Hey guys, start putting more beef in the beef"
I don't care who you are, if you're a pro, you go wherever they send you. I'm sure Gretzky was thrilled to play with the Blues, but there he was. No one is above the game, especially in Hockey
Only ugly people and nerds get zits. Thankfully, I'm neither. I can probably count on two hands the amount of facial pimples I've had in my entire life
I'd rather live in Cyberia than Ottawa. I'm sure the girls are better looking there, and want nothing else but a strapping young lad such as myself to keep them nice and warm. Mmmmmm Cyberia.....