
Good job Gooch, as the guy who had to beg and ask for no salary in order to keep playing with the greatest team of all time, you go and fight with the star player whose foot is worth more than your life (in terms of insurance)

Listen up brother, my 7 inch python only comes out to play when I'm starring at the back end of Leila Ali brother

That's just his endorsement deal for the secret Fig Newton

@jolenejolenejolenejolene: did you read the case? Forget the biased Jezebel post, it was a girls gone wild event and she knew that going in. The people attending had to sign a form allowing their likeness to appear on the video (had she not signed it, her face would have been blurred). Not only that, since it isn't

@Vegetarigasm: If you did so in a bar that was plastered with "Girls gone wild" advertisements and waiver forms that everyone signed prior to entering the bar, then yes, it would be ok.

Actually, and I'm sorry to have break it to you girls, but if you read the case, examine the evidence and look at the video, it's quite clear that she consented. I know it might seem outrageous, but the jury was right in this case.

I'd rather see pages of his sex playbook. He looks like the kind of guy that uses maximum efficiency in order to pleasure his women

@skahammer: Randy Moss Was Right To Berate Catering, Says Concerned Amateur Meat Expert

I love how some of the smartest people in the world are reduced to pissing/shitting themselves in these situations

I still say oh my goodness once in a while

Too bad it was played in Toronto, where people don't care about football....if it was in Montreal, the stadium would be jam packed

they Czech'ed themselves before they rolled themselves

man, number 14 looks pissed off

I thought those were tears of shame from Patrick Ewing re: Patrick Ewing Jr.

The way the anonymous person is speaking, it seems like they agreed that the food wasn't that good (they just had the common sense not to belittle the poor restaurant)

He was waving his dick around too much and some members of the locker room couldn't handle it

He isn't ruled out? What is he, some sort of bionic man that you keep playing despite being injured and losing every game?

Why couldn't they make more of an effort to make him look like the actor in MKII and MKIII. We've reached the point where that shouldn't be too hard and it would really help with the continuity of the series in my mind.

I feel a bit sorry for the kid. He had balls to ask his question in front of a huge audience despite his condition, but it was still too awkward for me to watch. I dunno, I can't deal with cringe-worthy things like prank phone calls, the UK comedy "peep show" and certain episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm.....