Pants Queen

I'm not that into Doctor Who, but I'm pretty sure Abed saving the milkmaid on a flash drive was a River Song reference.  Hah!

I'm not that into Doctor Who, but I'm pretty sure Abed saving the milkmaid on a flash drive was a River Song reference.  Hah!

Totally possible that he was there briefly and I just missed it because of, you know, MY EMOTIONS

Totally possible that he was there briefly and I just missed it because of, you know, MY EMOTIONS

I wondered if the scene he walked out on was supposed to be in the montage - I don't remember seeing Pierce anywhere in there.

I wondered if the scene he walked out on was supposed to be in the montage - I don't remember seeing Pierce anywhere in there.

Holy fuck, how did I miss this?!

Holy fuck, how did I miss this?!

It's okay!  He needs to know that a strong man can cry!

It's okay!  He needs to know that a strong man can cry!

Yeah, it's definitely helpful to keep in mind that the grades are ideally supposed to reflect this episode's performance in comparison to the show's potential - in which case a C- for this one seems about right to me.

Same - I love the novel so I was desperate for this episode to be good.  That's probably why I'm so harsh on it; if they had made a mediocre episode out of a mediocre story, that wouldn't have been so bad.

I groaned at certain plot points during "Scandal in Belgravia", but in retrospect, it grew on me a little.

@avclub-006e2d232f0848e12029b4cbe9ad555f:disqus I blame Elizabeth Banks's chronic inability to enunciate anything.

And Germany is at the top of the list, presumably because they're never the bad guys.

Loved that 'Winterfell' was on Andy's list of places to run away to!

I noticed that too!  And then I thought about what that says about me…

Yeah.  I stand by my earlier comments - regardless of whether or not this is an accurate portrayal of someone with an autism spectrum disorder, I'm still not quite down with it as a portrayal of Abed.  Screeching at Daylight Savings and Annie rearranging his room doesn't gel with the Abed who was totally cool with

Parks and Community are equally my favorites, but here's the thing:
Community was born with a terminal case of weirdness.  I love it and want it to be around forever, but it was never going to have mass appeal and as far as I'm concerned getting 3.5 or 4 seasons is a minor miracle, even on NBC.

Like James Bond would!