Pants Queen

Is that your official statement?  'I am sad'?

Liked for "Dick Newport". I hope that was intentional.

I was fully onboard with "Hounds" until the last 15 minutes, when a creepy, fun episode devolved into a laughable mess.  Boo.


That is EXACTLY where my mind went.

No relation to Westeros's premier MC, Ser Illin'

I miss the secure, non-fragile Abed of 'Physical Education', and the Abed that cared about Shirley's feelings in 'Messianic Myths'.  The idea that he's now reduced to a screaming mess if Annie rearranges his room kind of makes me sad.   

Annie's monologue at the end, though a little Wingeresque, was a real moment of clarity for her character, and I loved it.  It made beautiful sense.

Straight gal here, and it was definitely that noticeable.  Why can't we all look that good in a cardigan, I ask you?

Fair enough.  Last we saw her she went looking for Pierce, so I guess she found him and went home?

Okay, I gotta know:

Much less awkward than last year's Race Kerfuffle at the ethnic food fair…

Yup.  If we average 'em out, I think we got it.

…who discovered Greendale while searching for a fountain that cures syphilis.

This.  I love them both, and while I feel that Community is seriously under-recognized, Parks and Rec deserves every Peabody it can get.

It's a Greendale fire alarm.

Nice one!  Glad you've joined the club - we have jackets (well, blazers with chicken fingers on them).

Broadway Veteran Sighting of the Day, Non-Bernadette Peters Category:  The Asian woman on the production staff (stage manager, maybe?) is Ann Harada - 'Christmas Eve' from Avenue Q!

"I think it SUCKS.  And I think YOU suck."

I desperately want Julia to just deck him sometime this season (even if I'd love to do it myself).